^ PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Presenter\Product\ProductLazyArray {#365
-imageRetriever: PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Image\ImageRetriever {#366
-link: Link {#516
#allow: true
#url: "/index.php"
+protocol_link: "https://"
+protocol_content: "https://"
#ssl_enable: "1"
#urlShopId: null
-link: Link {#516}
-priceFormatter: PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Product\PriceFormatter {#423}
-productColorsRetriever: PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Product\ProductColorsRetriever {#424}
-translator: PrestaShopBundle\Translation\TranslatorComponent {#425
#catalogues: array:1 [
"en-US" => Symfony\Component\Translation\MessageCatalogue {#430
-messages: array:170 [
"ModulesStatspersonalinfosAdmin" => array:28 [
"Registered customer information" => "Registered customer information"
"Enrich your stats, add information about your registered customers and learn more about them!" => "Enrich your stats, add information about your registered customers and learn more about them!"
"Target your audience" => "Target your audience"
"In order for each message to have an impact, you need to know who it is being addressed to. " => "In order for each message to have an impact, you need to know who it is being addressed to. "
"Defining your target audience is essential when choosing the right tools to win them over." => "Defining your target audience is essential when choosing the right tools to win them over."
"It is best to limit an action to a group -- or to groups -- of clients." => "It is best to limit an action to a group -- or to groups -- of clients."
"Storing registered customer information allows you to accurately define customer profiles so you can adapt your special deals and promotions." => "Storing registered customer information allows you to accurately define customer profiles so you can adapt your special deals and promotions."
"You can increase your sales by:" => "You can increase your sales by:"
"Launching targeted advertisement campaigns." => "Launching targeted advertisement campaigns."
"Contacting a group of clients by email or newsletter." => "Contacting a group of clients by email or newsletter."
"Gender distribution allows you to determine the percentage of men and women shoppers on your store." => "Gender distribution allows you to determine the percentage of men and women shoppers on your store."
"CSV Export" => "CSV Export"
"Age ranges allow you to better understand target demographics." => "Age ranges allow you to better understand target demographics."
"Country distribution allows you to analyze which part of the World your customers are shopping from." => "Country distribution allows you to analyze which part of the World your customers are shopping from."
"Currency range allows you to determine which currency your customers are using." => "Currency range allows you to determine which currency your customers are using."
"Language distribution allows you to analyze the browsing language used by your customers." => "Language distribution allows you to analyze the browsing language used by your customers."
"No customers have registered yet." => "No customers have registered yet."
"Gender distribution" => "Gender distribution"
"Age range" => "Age range"
"0-18" => "0-18"
"18-24" => "18-24"
"25-34" => "25-34"
"35-49" => "35-49"
"50-59" => "50-59"
"60+" => "60+"
"Country distribution" => "Country distribution"
"Currency distribution" => "Currency distribution"
"Language distribution" => "Language distribution"
"ShopThemeCustomeraccount" => array:83 [
"Receive offers from our partners" => "Receive our new products in preview, our offers and follow our news."
"#%id%" => "#%id%"
"Your account" => "Your account"
"Vouchers" => "Vouchers"
"Credit slips" => "Credit slips"
"Merchandise returns" => "Merchandise returns"
"Information" => "Information"
"Addresses" => "Addresses"
"Add first address" => "Add first address"
"Orders" => "Orders"
"Order tracking" => "Order tracking"
"Create account" => "Create account"
"Log me out" => "Log me out"
"Log in to your customer account" => "Log in to your customer account"
"View my customer account" => "View my customer account"
"Enter a password between %s and %s characters" => "Enter a password between %s and %s characters"
"The minimum score must be: %s" => "The minimum score must be: %s"
"You have given permission to receive your order in recycled packaging." => "You have given permission to receive your order in recycled packaging."
"Connected as [1]%firstname% %lastname%[/1]." => "Connected as [1]%firstname% %lastname%[/1]."
"Not you? [1]Log out[/1]" => "Not you? [1]Log out[/1]"
"Create an account" => "Create an account"
"Personalized and secure access" => "Personalized and secure access"
"Fast and easy checkout" => "Fast and easy checkout"
"Easier merchandise return" => "Easier merchandise return"
"Back to your account" => "Back to your account"
"Virtual products can't be returned." => "Virtual products can't be returned."
"Returned" => "Returned"
"Merchandise return" => "Merchandise return"
"If you wish to return one or more products, please mark the corresponding boxes and provide an explanation for the return. When complete, click the button below." => "If you wish to return one or more products, please mark the corresponding boxes and provide an explanation for the return. When complete, click the button below."
"Request a return" => "Request a return"
"Messages" => "Messages"
"Add a message" => "Add a message"
"If you would like to add a comment about your order, please write it in the field below." => "If you would like to add a comment about your order, please write it in the field below."
"Update your address" => "Update your address"
"New address" => "New address"
"Your addresses" => "Your addresses"
"Log in to your account" => "Log in to your account"
"No account? Create one here" => "No account? Create one here"
"Your vouchers" => "Your vouchers"
"Guest Order Tracking" => "Guest Order Tracking"
"To track your order, please enter the following information:" => "To track your order, please enter the following information:"
"For example: QIIXJXNUI or QIIXJXNUI#1" => "For example: QIIXJXNUI or QIIXJXNUI#1"
"Guest Tracking" => "Guest Tracking"
"Order history" => "Order history"
"Here are the orders you've placed since your account was created." => "Here are the orders you've placed since your account was created."
"Details" => "Details"
"Your personal information" => "Your personal information"
"Order history and details" => "Order history and details"
"Order details" => "Order details"
"Order Reference %reference% - placed on %date%" => "Order Reference %reference% - placed on %date%"
"Download your invoice as a PDF file." => "Download your invoice as a PDF file."
"You have requested gift wrapping for this order." => "You have requested gift wrapping for this order."
"Message" => "Message"
"Follow your order's status step-by-step" => "Follow your order's status step-by-step"
"Click the following link to track the delivery of your order" => "Click the following link to track the delivery of your order"
"Here is a list of pending merchandise returns" => "Here is a list of pending merchandise returns"
"Return" => "Return"
"Package status" => "Package status"
"Returns form" => "Returns form"
"Return details" => "Return Details"
"%number% on %date%" => "%number% on %date%"
"We have logged your return request." => "We have logged your return request."
"Your package must be returned to us within %number% days of receiving your order." => "Your package must be returned to us within %number% days of receiving your order."
"The current status of your merchandise return is: [1] %status% [/1]" => "The current status of your merchandise return is: [1] %status% [/1]"
"List of items to be returned:" => "List of items to be returned:"
"Reminder" => "Reminder"
"All merchandise must be returned in its original packaging and in its original state." => "All merchandise must be returned in its original packaging and in its original state."
"Please print out the [1]returns form[/1] and include it with your package." => "Please print out the [1]returns form[/1] and include it with your package."
"Please check the [1]returns form[/1] for the correct address." => "Please check the [1]returns form[/1] for the correct address."
"When we receive your package, we will notify you by email. We will then begin processing order reimbursement." => "When we receive your package, we will notify you by email. We will then begin processing order reimbursement."
"Please let us know if you have any questions." => "Please let us know if you have any questions."
"If the conditions of return listed above are not respected, we reserve the right to refuse your package and/or reimbursement." => "If the conditions of return listed above are not respected, we reserve the right to refuse your package and/or reimbursement."
"Order" => "Order"
"Date issued" => "Date issued"
"Credit slips you have received after canceled orders." => "Credit slips you have received after canceled orders."
"Credit slip" => "Credit slip"
"View credit slip" => "View credit slip"
"Please enter the email address you used to register. You will receive a temporary link to reset your password." => "Please enter the email address you used to register. You will receive a temporary link to reset your password."
"Forgot your password?" => "Forgot your password?"
"Reset your password" => "Reset your password"
"Email address: %email%" => "Email address: %email%"
"Already have an account?" => "Already have an account?"
"Log in instead!" => "Log in instead!"
"ShopThemeGlobal" => array:111 [
"Mon panier" => "My cart"
"Informations personnelles" => "Personal informations"
"Adresse de livraison" => "Delivery address"
"Mode de livraison" => "Delivery method"
"Tri par" => "Sort by"
"Étape" => "Step"
"Mot de passe oublié ?" => "Have you forgotten your password ?"
"Bonjour" => "Hello"
"Ou revenez à l’écran de" => "Or return to the screen of"
"Consultez l'historique de vos commandes ou suivez l'état de vos commandes en cours." => "View your order history or follow the status of your current orders."
"Modifiez vos informations personnelles ou changez votre mot de passe." => "Change your personal information or password."
"Ajoutez, modifiez ou supprimez vos adresses de livraison et de facturation." => "Add, change or delete your shipping and billing addresses."
"Ajoutezvotre première adresse de livraison et de facturation." => "Add your first shipping and billing address."
"Reseller" => "Our resellers"
"%copyright% %year% Tous droits réservés - %clientName%" => "%copyright% %year% All rights reserved - %clientName%"
"Undefined" => "Undefined"
"Straight rows of keys are easy to guess" => "Straight rows of keys are easy to guess"
"Short keyboard patterns are easy to guess" => "Short keyboard patterns are easy to guess"
"Use a longer keyboard pattern with more turns" => "Use a longer keyboard pattern with more turns"
"Repeats like "aaa" are easy to guess" => "Repeats like "aaa" are easy to guess"
"Repeats like "abcabcabc" are only slightly harder to guess than "abc"" => "Repeats like "abcabcabc" are only slightly harder to guess than "abc""
"Sequences like abc or 6543 are easy to guess" => "Sequences like "abc"or "6543" are easy to guess"
"Recent years are easy to guess" => "Recent years are easy to guess"
"Dates are often easy to guess" => "Dates are often easy to guess"
"This is a top-10 common password" => "This is a top-10 common password"
"This is a top-100 common password" => "This is a top-100 common password"
"This is a very common password" => "This is a very common password"
"This is similar to a commonly used password" => "This is similar to a commonly used password"
"A word by itself is easy to guess" => "A word by itself is easy to guess"
"Names and surnames by themselves are easy to guess" => "Names and surnames by themselves are easy to guess"
"Common names and surnames are easy to guess" => "Common names and surnames are easy to guess"
"Use a few words, avoid common phrases" => "Use a few words, avoid common phrases"
"No need for symbols, digits, or uppercase letters" => "No need for symbols, digits, or uppercase letters"
"Avoid repeated words and characters" => "Avoid repeated words and characters"
"Avoid sequences" => "Avoid sequences"
"Avoid recent years" => "Avoid recent years"
"Avoid years that are associated with you" => "Avoid years that are associated with you"
"Avoid dates and years that are associated with you" => "Avoid dates and years that are associated with you"
"Capitalization doesn't help very much" => "Capitalization doesn't help very much"
"All-uppercase is almost as easy to guess as all-lowercase" => "All-uppercase is almost as easy to guess as all-lowercase"
"Reversed words aren't much harder to guess" => "Reversed words aren't much harder to guess"
"Predictable substitutions like '@' instead of 'a' don't help very much" => "Predictable substitutions like "@" instead of "a" don't help very much"
"Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better." => "Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better."
"Sequences like "abc" or "6543" are easy to guess" => "Sequences like "abc" or "6543" are easy to guess."
"Predictable substitutions like "@" instead of "a" don't help very much" => "Predictable substitutions like "@" instead of "a" don't help very much."
"Yes" => "Yes"
"No" => "No"
"None" => "None"
"Very weak" => "Very weak"
"Weak" => "Weak"
"Average" => "Average"
"Strong" => "Strong"
"Very strong" => "Very strong"
"Merchandise returns" => "Merchandise returns"
"The page you are looking for was not found." => "The page you are looking for was not found."
"Our Offers" => "Our Offers"
"Log in" => "Log in"
"Create new account" => "Create new account"
"Monday" => "Monday"
"Tuesday" => "Tuesday"
"Wednesday" => "Wednesday"
"Thursday" => "Thursday"
"Friday" => "Friday"
"Saturday" => "Saturday"
"Sunday" => "Sunday"
"Brands" => "Brands"
"Home" => "Home"
"Sort by:" => "Sort by:"
"Close" => "Close"
"Store information" => "Store information"
"Addresses" => "Addresses"
"Active filters" => "Active filters"
"(no filter)" => "(no filter)"
"(tax included)" => "(tax included)"
"(tax excluded)" => "(tax excluded)"
"(tax incl.)" => "(tax incl.)"
"(tax excl.)" => "(tax excl.)"
"Tax included" => "Tax included"
"Tax excluded" => "Tax excluded"
"New" => "New"
"Contact us" => "Contact us"
"Call us: [1]%phone%[/1]" => "Call us: [1]%phone%[/1]"
"Call us:" => "Call us:"
"Fax:" => "Fax:"
"Email us:" => "Email us:"
"Fax: [1]%fax%[/1]" => "Fax: [1]%fax%[/1]"
"Currency:" => "Currency:"
"Currency dropdown" => "Currency dropdown"
"Get our latest news and special sales" => "Get our latest news and special sales"
"Carousel container" => "Carousel container"
"Carousel buttons" => "Carousel buttons"
"Previous" => "Previous"
"Next" => "Next"
"Language:" => "Language:"
"Language dropdown" => "Language dropdown"
"Sort by selection" => "Sort by selection"
"%copyright% %year% - Ecommerce software by %prestashop%" => "%copyright% %year% - Ecommerce software by %prestashop%"
"%label%:" => "%label%:"
"List of sub categories in %name%:" => "List of sub categories in %name%:"
"List of pages in %category_name%:" => "List of pages in %category_name%:"
"Sitemap" => "Sitemap"
"Our stores" => "Our stores"
"About and Contact" => "About and Contact"
"Date" => "Date"
"Status" => "Status"
"You are not allowed to access this page." => "You are not allowed to access this page."
"We'll be back soon." => "We'll be back soon."
"This page could not be found" => "This page could not be found"
"Try to search our catalog, you may find what you are looking for!" => "Try to search our catalog, you may find what you are looking for!"
"403 Forbidden" => "403 Forbidden"
"You cannot access this store from your country. We apologize for the inconvenience." => "You cannot access this store from your country. We apologize for the inconvenience."
"ShopThemeSicolure" => array:10 [
"Banner" => "The first French brand specializing in trout fishing with lures"
"Mentions légales" => "Legal Notice"
"Conditions générales de vente" => "Terms of Sales"
"Suivez-nous sur les réseaux" => "Follow us on social networks"
"Nos revendeurs paragraphe" => "Want to find our products in your favorite fishing store? Let's unite our passion by teaming up! Solicit your store by expressing your wish to find our brand near you."
"Nos revendeurs" => "Our resellers"
"TVA incluse" => "tax incl."
"Banner1" => " The first French brand specializing in trout fishing with lures"
"Banner2" => "Free shipping in mainland France"
"Banner3" => "Payment in 3x and 4x with Paypal and Payplug"
"ShopThemeActions" => array:51 [
"Créer un compte et continuer" => "Create an account and continue"
"Add to cart" => "Add to cart"
"Sign out" => "Sign out"
"Sign in" => "Sign in"
"Filter By" => "Filter By"
"Clear all" => "Clear all"
"Remove" => "Remove"
"Cart" => "Cart"
"Subscribe" => "Subscribe"
"OK" => "OK"
"Share" => "Share"
"remove from cart" => "remove from cart"
"Show" => "Show"
"Hide" => "Hide"
"Previous" => "Previous"
"Next" => "Next"
"View products" => "View products"
"Quick view" => "Quick view"
"Quantity" => "Quantity"
"Choose file" => "Choose file"
"Remove Image" => "Remove Image"
"Save Customization" => "Save Customization"
"Filter" => "Filter"
"Back to top" => "Back to top"
"Select" => "Select"
"Cancel" => "Cancel"
"Delete" => "Delete"
"Save" => "Save"
"Proceed to checkout" => "Proceed to checkout"
"show details" => "show details"
"Add" => "Add"
"Take advantage of our exclusive offers:" => "Take advantage of our exclusive offers:"
"edit" => "edit"
"add new address" => "add new address"
"Edit" => "Edit"
"Choose" => "Choose"
"Continue" => "Continue"
"Checkout" => "Checkout"
"Continue shopping" => "Continue shopping"
"Create account" => "Create account"
"Update" => "Update"
"Download" => "Download"
"Send" => "Send"
"Add a new address" => "Add a new address"
"Create new address" => "Create new address"
"Reorder" => "Reorder"
"Print out" => "Print out"
"Send reset link" => "Send reset link"
"Back to login" => "Back to login"
"Back to Login" => "Back to Login"
"Change Password" => "Change Password"
"ShopThemeCheckout" => array:110 [
"Thank you for placing an order on our site" => "Thank you for placing an order on our site"
"tax incl." => "tax incl."
"tax excl." => "tax excl."
"(additional cost of %giftcost% %taxlabel%)" => "(additional cost of %giftcost% %taxlabel%)"
"I would like my order to be gift wrapped %cost%" => "I would like my order to be gift wrapped %cost%"
"Personal Information" => "Personal Information"
"I agree to the [terms of service] and will adhere to them unconditionally." => "I agree to the [terms of service] and will adhere to them unconditionally."
"%price% tax incl." => "%price% tax incl."
"%price% tax excl." => "%price% tax excl."
"My Address" => "My Address"
"Tax included" => "Tax included"
"Tax excluded" => "Tax excluded"
"Free shipping" => "Free shipping"
"Guest order tracking" => "Guest Order Tracking"
"Order confirmation" => "Order confirmation"
"Product Successfully Added to Your Shopping Cart" => "Product Successfully Added to Your Shopping Cart"
"Discount(s)" => "Discount(s)"
"Shipping" => "Shipping"
"Included taxes" => "Included taxes"
"Taxes" => "Taxes"
"1 item" => "1 item"
"%count% items" => "%count% items"
"A minimum shopping cart total of %amount% (tax excl.) is required to validate your order. Current cart total is %total% (tax excl.)." => "A minimum shopping cart total of %amount% (tax excl.) is required to validate your order. Current cart total is %total% (tax excl.)."
"Free" => "Free"
"Total" => "Total"
"Total (tax incl.)" => "Total (tax incl.)"
"Total (tax excl.)" => "Total (tax excl.)"
"Total paid" => "Total paid"
"Subtotal" => "Subtotal"
"Gift wrapping" => "Gift wrapping"
"Discount" => "Discount"
"Shipping and handling" => "Shipping and handling"
"Tax" => "Tax"
"Product successfully added to your shopping cart" => "Product successfully added to your shopping cart"
"Quantity:" => "Quantity:"
"There are %products_count% items in your cart." => "There are %products_count% items in your cart."
"There is %products_count% item in your cart." => "There is %products_count% item in your cart."
"Subtotal:" => "Subtotal:"
"Shipping:" => "Shipping:"
"Shopping cart link containing %nbProducts% product(s)" => "Shopping cart link containing %nbProducts% product(s)"
"Cart" => "Cart"
"The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is %quantity%." => "The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is %quantity%."
"Use this address for invoice too" => "Use this address for invoice too"
"%productName% product quantity field" => "%productName% product quantity field"
"Gift" => "Gift"
"There are no more items in your cart" => "There are no more items in your cart"
"Have a promo code?" => "Have a promo code?"
"Promo code" => "Promo code"
"Close" => "Close"
"Create an account" => "Create an account"
"(optional)" => "(optional)"
"And save time on your next order!" => "And save time on your next order!"
"Order items" => "Order items"
"Unit price" => "Unit price"
"Total products" => "Total products"
"Quantity" => "Quantity"
"%product_count% item in your cart" => "%product_count% item in your cart"
"%products_count% items in your cart" => "%products_count% items in your cart"
"Shipping Method" => "Shipping Method"
"Addresses" => "Addresses"
"Please check your order before payment" => "Please check your order before payment"
"Your Delivery Address" => "Your Delivery Address"
"Your Invoice Address" => "Your Invoice Address"
"The selected address will be used as your personal address (for invoice)." => "The selected address will be used as your personal address (for invoice)."
"The selected address will be used both as your personal address (for invoice) and as your delivery address." => "The selected address will be used both as your personal address (for invoice) and as your delivery address."
"Shipping Address" => "Shipping Address"
"Billing address differs from shipping address" => "Billing address differs from shipping address"
"Transaction amount has been correctly updated" => "Transaction amount has been correctly updated"
"No payment needed for this order" => "No payment needed for this order"
"Selected" => "Selected"
"Unfortunately, there are no payment method available." => "Unfortunately, there is no payment method available."
"By confirming the order, you certify that you have read and agree with all of the conditions below:" => "By confirming the order, you certify that you have read and agree with all of the conditions below:"
"Place order" => "Place order"
"Please make sure you've chosen a [1]payment method[/1] and accepted the [2]terms and conditions[/2]." => "Please make sure you've chosen a [1]payment method[/1] and accepted the [2]terms and conditions[/2]."
"Order with an obligation to pay" => "Order with an obligation to pay"
"If you sign out now, your cart will be emptied." => "If you sign out now, your cart will be emptied."
"Order as a guest" => "Order as a guest"
"If you would like to add a comment about your order, please write it in the field below." => "If you would like to add a comment about your order, please write it in the field below."
"I would like to receive my order in recycled packaging." => "I would like to receive my order in recycled packaging."
"If you'd like, you can add a note to the gift:" => "If you'd like, you can add a note to the gift:"
"Unfortunately, there are no carriers available for your delivery address." => "Unfortunately, there are no carriers available for your delivery address."
"Shopping Cart" => "Shopping Cart"
"Your order is confirmed" => "Your order is confirmed"
"An email has been sent to your mail address %email%." => "An email has been sent to the %email% address."
"You can also [1]download your invoice[/1]" => "You can also [1]download your invoice[/1]"
"Order details" => "Order details"
"Order reference: %reference%" => "Order reference: %reference%"
"Payment method: %method%" => "Payment method: %method%"
"Shipping method: %method%" => "Shipping method: %method%"
"Save time on your next order, sign up now" => "Save time on your next order, sign up now"
"Code" => "Code"
"Description" => "Description"
"Value" => "Value"
"Minimum" => "Minimum"
"Cumulative" => "Cumulative"
"Expiration date" => "Expiration date"
"Name" => "Name"
"Payment" => "Payment"
"Order reference" => "Order reference"
"Date" => "Date"
"Total price" => "Total price"
"Status" => "Status"
"Invoice" => "Invoice"
"Carrier" => "Carrier"
"Payment method" => "Payment method"
"Delivery address %alias%" => "Delivery address %alias%"
"Invoice address %alias%" => "Invoice address %alias%"
"Weight" => "Weight"
"Shipping cost" => "Shipping cost"
"Tracking number" => "Tracking number"
"ModulesCategoryproductsShop" => array:2 [
"%s other product in the same category:" => "%s other product in the same category:"
"%s other products in the same category:" => "%s other products in the same category:"
"AdminAdvparametersFeature" => array:464 [
"Menu" => "Menu"
"No menu" => "No menu"
"Import data from another shop" => "Import data from another shop"
"Experimental product page" => "Experimental product page"
"New product page - Single store" => "New product page - Single store"
"New product page - Multistore" => "New product page - Multistore"
"New product page" => "New product page"
"Authorization server" => "Authorization server"
"Catalog price rules" => "Catalog price rules"
"Enable / Disable having more than one image format (jpg, webp, avif, png, etc.)" => "Enable / Disable having more than one image format (jpg, webp, avif, png, etc.)"
"Countries" => "Countries"
"States" => "States"
"Carriers" => "Carriers"
"Titles" => "Titles"
"Tax rule groups" => "Tax rule groups"
"Customer threads" => "Customer threads"
"Order states" => "Order states"
"SuperAdmin" => "SuperAdmin"
"Logistician" => "Logistician"
"Translator" => "Translator"
"Salesman" => "Salesman"
"Webservice key created: %s" => "Webservice key created: %s"
"Webservice key %s has been deleted" => "Webservice key %s has been deleted"
"Supply Orders" => "Supply Orders"
"Supply Order Details" => "Supply Order Details"
"Product Reference" => "Product Reference"
"Note" => "Note"
"Supplier ID *" => "Supplier ID *"
"Lang ID" => "Lang ID"
"Warehouse ID *" => "Warehouse ID *"
"Currency ID *" => "Currency ID *"
"Supply Order Reference *" => "Supply Order Reference *"
"Delivery Date (Y-M-D)*" => "Delivery Date (Y-M-D)*"
"Discount rate" => "Discount rate"
"Product ID *" => "Product ID *"
"Product Attribute ID" => "Product Attribute ID"
"Unit Price (tax excl.)*" => "Unit Price (tax excl.)*"
"Quantity Expected *" => "Quantity Expected *"
"Discount Rate" => "Discount Rate"
"Tax Rate" => "Tax Rate"
"Import .CSV data" => "Import .CSV data"
"Advanced Stock Management" => "Advanced Stock Management"
"Back office connection from %ip%" => "Back office connection from %ip%"
"%class_name% addition" => "%class_name% addition"
"Edit this SQL query" => "Edit this SQL query"
"Attribute groups" => "Attribute groups"
"Cart rules" => "Cart rules"
"Contact information" => "Contact information"
"Discount prices" => "Discount prices"
"Module hooks" => "Module hooks"
"Meta information" => "Meta information"
"Product combinations" => "Product combinations"
"Available quantities for sale" => "Available quantities for sale"
"Warehouses" => "Warehouses"
"Webservice accounts" => "Webservice accounts"
"Tax rules groups" => "Tax rules groups"
"Import data" => "Import data"
"Choose the source shop" => "Choose the source shop"
"Choose data to import" => "Choose data to import"
"Shop groups list" => "Store groups list"
"Choose the source store" => "Choose the source store"
"Store groups list" => "Store groups list"
"Shop group" => "Store group"
"Multistore options" => "Multistore options"
"Default shop" => "Default shop"
"Add a new shop group" => "Add a new store group"
"Add a new shop" => "Add a new store"
"Shop group name" => "Store group name"
"Share customers" => "Share customers"
"Share available quantities for sale" => "Share available quantities for sale"
"Share available quantities between shops of this group. When changing this option, all available products quantities will be reset to 0." => "Share available quantities between stores of this group. When changing this option, all available product quantities will be reset to 0."
"Share orders" => "Share orders"
"Store group" => "Store group"
"Default store" => "Default store"
"Add a new group of stores" => "Add a new group of stores"
"Add a new store" => "Add a new store"
"Name of the store group" => "Name of the store group"
"Multistore tree" => "Multistore tree"
"Shop URL ID" => "Shop URL ID"
"Shop name" => "Store name"
"Is it the main URL?" => "Is it the main URL?"
"URL options" => "URL options"
"Is it the main URL for this shop?" => "Is it the main URL for this shop?"
"Shop URL" => "Shop URL"
"Domain" => "Domain"
"SSL Domain" => "SSL Domain"
"Physical URL" => "Physical URL"
"Virtual URL" => "Virtual URL"
"Final URL" => "Final URL"
"Edit this shop" => "Edit this shop"
"Add a new URL" => "Add a new URL"
"Store URL ID" => "Store URL ID"
"Store name" => "Store name"
"Is it the main URL for this store?" => "Is it the main URL for this store?"
"Store URL" => "Store URL"
"Edit this store" => "Edit this store"
"Statistics" => "Statistics"
"Notifications" => "Notifications"
"This is a test message. Your server is now configured to send email." => "This is a test message. Your server is now configured to send email."
"Test message -- Prestashop" => "Test message -- Prestashop"
"Error: Please check your configuration" => "Error: Please check your configuration"
"An error has occurred. Please check your configuration" => "An error has occurred. Please check your configuration."
"%key% (missing description)" => "%key% (missing description)"
"Use /usr/sbin/sendmail (recommended; works in most cases)" => "Use /usr/sbin/sendmail (recommended; works in most cases)"
"Set my own SMTP parameters (for advanced users ONLY)" => "Set my own SMTP parameters (for advanced users ONLY)"
"Never send emails (may be useful for testing purposes)" => "Never send emails (may be useful for testing purposes)"
"View (GET)" => "View (GET)"
"Modify (PUT)" => "Modify (PUT)"
"Add (POST)" => "Add (POST)"
"Patch (PATCH)" => "Patch (PATCH)"
"Delete (DELETE)" => "Delete (DELETE)"
"Fast view (HEAD)" => "Fast view (HEAD)"
"Age" => "Age"
"Template" => "Template"
"Recipient" => "Recipient"
"Subject" => "Subject"
"Sent" => "Sent"
"Erase all" => "Erase all"
"Severity (1-4)" => "Severity (1-4)"
"Object type" => "Object type"
"Object ID" => "Object ID"
"Error code" => "Error code"
"Refresh list" => "Refresh list"
"Last update" => "Last update"
"The user will be signed out from this session." => "The user will be signed out from this session."
"Delete session?" => "Delete session?"
"Users will be signed out from all selected sessions." => "Users will be signed out from all selected sessions."
"Delete selected sessions?" => "Delete selected sessions?"
"Employee ID" => "Employee ID"
"Customer ID" => "Customer ID"
"Active (0/1)" => "Active (0/1)"
"Customer email" => "Customer email"
"Root category (0/1)" => "Root category (0/1)"
"ID / Name of shop" => "ID / Name of shop"
"Product ID" => "Product ID"
"Attribute (Name:Type:Position)" => "Attribute (Name:Type:Position)"
"Value (Value:Position)" => "Value (Value:Position)"
"Supplier reference" => "Supplier reference"
"Default (0 = No, 1 = Yes)" => "Default (0 = No, 1 = Yes)"
"Combination availability date" => "Combination availability date"
"Choose among product images by position (1,2,3...)" => "Choose among product images by position (1,2,3...)"
"UPC" => "UPC"
"Minimal quantity" => "Minimal quantity"
"Image URLs (x,y,z...)" => "Image URLs (x,y,z...)"
"Image alt texts (x,y,z...)" => "Image alt texts (x,y,z...)"
"Depends on stock" => "Depends on stock"
"Warehouse" => "Warehouse"
"EAN-13" => "EAN-13"
"Advanced stock management" => "Advanced stock management"
"Titles ID (Mr = 1, Ms = 2, else 0)" => "Titles ID (Mr = 1, Ms = 2, else 0)"
"Birth date (yyyy-mm-dd)" => "Birth date (yyyy-mm-dd)"
"Newsletter (0/1)" => "Newsletter (0/1)"
"Partner offers (0/1)" => "Partner offers (0/1)"
"Registration date (yyyy-mm-dd)" => "Registration date (yyyy-mm-dd)"
"Groups (x,y,z...)" => "Groups (x,y,z...)"
"Default group ID" => "Default group ID"
"Categories (x,y,z...)" => "Categories (x,y,z...)"
"Tax rule ID" => "Tax rule ID"
"On sale (0/1)" => "On sale (0/1)"
"Discount amount" => "Discount amount"
"Discount percent" => "Discount percent"
"Discount from (yyyy-mm-dd)" => "Discount from (yyyy-mm-dd)"
"Discount to (yyyy-mm-dd)" => "Discount to (yyyy-mm-dd)"
"Reference #" => "Reference #"
"Supplier reference #" => "Supplier reference #"
"Delivery time of out-of-stock products with allowed orders:" => "Delivery time of out-of-stock products with allowed orders:"
"Additional shipping cost" => "Additional shipping cost"
"Unit for the price per unit" => "Unit for base price"
"Tags (x,y,z...)" => "Tags (x,y,z...)"
"Rewritten URL" => "Rewritten URL"
"Label when backorder allowed" => "Label when backorder allowed"
"Available for order (0 = No, 1 = Yes)" => "Available for order (0 = No, 1 = Yes)"
"Product availability date" => "Product availability date"
"Product creation date" => "Product creation date"
"Show price (0 = No, 1 = Yes)" => "Show price (0 = No, 1 = Yes)"
"Delete existing images (0 = No, 1 = Yes)" => "Delete existing images (0 = No, 1 = Yes)"
"Feature (Name:Value:Position:Customized)" => "Feature (Name:Value:Position:Customized)"
"Available online only (0 = No, 1 = Yes)" => "Available online only (0 = No, 1 = Yes)"
"Customizable (0 = No, 1 = Yes)" => "Customizable (0 = No, 1 = Yes)"
"Uploadable files (0 = No, 1 = Yes)" => "Uploadable files (0 = No, 1 = Yes)"
"Text fields (0 = No, 1 = Yes)" => "Text fields (0 = No, 1 = Yes)"
"Action when out of stock" => "Action when out of stock"
"Virtual product (0 = No, 1 = Yes)" => "Virtual product (0 = No, 1 = Yes)"
"File URL" => "File URL"
"Expiration date (yyyy-mm-dd)" => "Expiration date (yyyy-mm-dd)"
"Number of days" => "Number of days"
"Accessories (x,y,z...)" => "Accessories (x,y,z...)"
"EAN13" => "EAN13"
"Active (0/1)" => "Active (0/1)"
"Image URL" => "Image URL"
"Address (2)" => "Address (2)"
"Latitude" => "Latitude"
"Longitude" => "Longitude"
"Hours (x,y,z...)" => "Hours (x,y,z...)"
"ID / Name of the store" => "ID / Name of the store"
"ID / Name of group shop" => "ID / Name of the group of stores"
"New & Experimental Features" => "New & Experimental Features"
"Add new profile" => "Add new profile"
"Product reference" => "Product reference"
"Combination reference" => "Combination reference"
"Memcached via PHP::Memcache" => "Memcached via PHP::Memcache"
"Memcached via PHP::Memcached" => "Memcached via PHP::Memcached"
"APC" => "APC"
"Xcache" => "Xcache"
"Use cache" => "Use cache"
"Caching system" => "Caching system"
"Smart cache for CSS" => "Smart cache for CSS"
"Smart cache for JavaScript" => "Smart cache for JavaScript"
"Apache optimization" => "Apache optimization"
"Disable all overrides" => "Disable all overrides"
"Enable or disable all classes and controllers overrides." => "Enable or disable all classes and controllers overrides."
"Debug profiler" => "Debug profiler"
"Media server #1" => "Media server #1"
"Media server #2" => "Media server #2"
"Media server #3" => "Media server #3"
"Customer groups" => "Customer groups"
"Clear cache" => "Clear cache"
"Never clear cache files" => "Never clear cache files"
"Clear cache everytime something has been modified" => "Clear cache everytime something has been modified"
"Never recompile template files" => "Never recompile template files"
"Recompile templates if the files have been updated" => "Recompile templates if the files have been updated"
"Force compilation" => "Force compilation"
"Template compilation" => "Template compilation"
"Cache" => "Cache"
"Should be enabled except for debugging." => "Should be enabled except for debugging."
"Multi-front optimizations" => "Multi-front optimizations"
"Lifetime of front office cookies" => "Lifetime of front office cookies"
"Lifetime of back office cookies" => "Lifetime of back office cookies"
"Automatically check for module updates" => "Automatically check for module updates"
"Check the cookie's IP address" => "Check the cookie's IP address"
"Cookie SameSite" => "Cookie SameSite"
"Show notifications for new orders" => "Show notifications for new orders"
"Show notifications for new customers" => "Show notifications for new customers"
"Show notifications for new messages" => "Show notifications for new messages"
"Maximum size for attached files" => "Maximum size for attached files"
"Maximum size for a downloadable product" => "Maximum size for a downloadable product"
"Maximum size for a product's image" => "Maximum size for a product's image"
"megabytes" => "megabytes"
"Ignore statistics tables" => "Ignore statistics tables"
"Drop existing tables during import" => "Drop existing tables during import"
"DKIM domain" => "DKIM domain"
"DKIM selector" => "DKIM selector"
"DKIM private key" => "DKIM private key"
"Both" => "Both"
"Send email in HTML format" => "Send email in HTML format"
"Send email in text format" => "Send email in text format"
"Log Emails" => "Log Emails"
"DKIM signing" => "DKIM signing"
"Enable the store name as a prefix in the email's subject" => "Enable the store name as a prefix in the email's subject"
"Send emails to" => "Send emails to"
"None" => "None"
"TLS" => "TLS"
"SSL" => "SSL"
"Email domain name" => "Email domain name"
"SMTP server" => "SMTP server"
"SMTP username" => "SMTP username"
"SMTP password" => "SMTP password"
"Encryption" => "Encryption"
"Send a test email to" => "Send a test email to"
"minutes" => "minutes"
"Password regeneration" => "Password regeneration"
"Security: Minimum time to wait between two password changes." => "Security: Minimum time to wait between two password changes."
"Memorize the language used in Admin panel forms" => "Memorize the language used in Admin panel forms"
"Allow employees to select a specific language for the Admin panel form." => "Allow employees to select a specific language for the Admin panel form."
"Permission profile" => "Permission profile"
"Default page" => "Default page"
"Please name your data matching configuration in order to save it." => "Please name your data matching configuration in order to save it."
"Ignore this column" => "Ignore this column"
"Store contacts" => "Store contacts"
"What do you want to import?" => "What do you want to import?"
"Select a file to import" => "Select a file to import"
"Language of the file" => "Language of the file"
"Field separator" => "Field separator"
"Multiple value separator" => "Multiple value separator"
"Delete all [1]categories[/1] before import" => "Delete all [1]categories[/1] before import"
"Use product reference as key" => "Use product reference as key"
"Skip thumbnails regeneration" => "Skip thumbnails regeneration"
"Force all ID numbers" => "Force all ID numbers"
"Send notification email" => "Send notification email"
"Next step" => "Next step"
"Minimum severity level" => "Minimum severity level"
"Select your default file encoding" => "Select your default file encoding"
"Enable multi-statements queries" => "Enable multi-statements queries"
"SQL query name" => "SQL query name"
"Back office token protection" => "Back office token protection"
"0 - Extremely guessable" => "0 - Extremely guessable"
"1 - Very guessable" => "1 - Very guessable"
"2 - Somewhat guessable" => "2 - Somewhat guessable"
"3 - Safely unguessable" => "3 - Safely unguessable"
"4 - Very unguessable" => "4 - Very unguessable"
"Minimum length" => "Minimum length"
"Maximum length" => "Maximum length"
"Minimum password security score" => "Minimum password security score"
"Enable PrestaShop's webservice" => "Enable PrestaShop's webservice"
"Enable CGI mode for PHP" => "Enable CGI mode for PHP"
"Key" => "Key"
"Key description" => "Key description"
"Permissions" => "Permissions"
"Webservice account key." => "Webservice account key."
"Enable webservice key" => "Enable webservice key"
"Current password" => "Current password"
"New password" => "New password"
"Confirm password" => "Confirm password"
"Download the backup file (%s MB)" => "Download the backup file (%s MB)"
"Tip: You can also download this file from your FTP server. Backup files are located in the "/adminXXXX/backups" directory." => "Tip: You can also download this file from your FTP server. Backup files are located in the "/adminXXXX/backups" directory."
"Backup options" => "Backup options"
"Available fields" => "Available fields"
"* Required field" => "* Required field"
"History of uploaded files" => "History of uploaded files"
"Download" => "Download"
"Choose from history / FTP" => "Choose from history / FTP"
"Download sample csv files" => "Download sample csv files"
"Back to the dashboard" => "Back to the dashboard"
"Test your email configuration" => "Test your email configuration"
"A test email has been sent to the email address you provided." => "A test email has been sent to the email address you provided."
"Employee options" => "Employee options"
"Employees" => "Employees"
"Manage your team" => "Manage your team"
"Create profiles for your employees with specific rights. SuperAdmin can access the entire store while other people can only be dedicated to the catalog or orders pages." => "Create profiles for your employees with specific rights. SuperAdmin can access the entire store while other people can only be dedicated to the catalog or orders pages."
"Edit: %lastname% %firstname%" => "Edit: %lastname% %firstname%"
"Add new employee" => "Add new employee"
"New features" => "New features"
"Experimental features" => "Experimental features"
"Match your data" => "Match your data"
"Please match each column of your source file to one of the destination columns." => "Please match each column of your source file to one of the destination columns."
"Load a data matching configuration" => "Load a data matching configuration"
"Save your data matching configuration" => "Save your data matching configuration"
"Rows to skip" => "Rows to skip"
"Indicate how many of the first rows of your file should be skipped when importing the data. For instance set it to 1 if the first row of your file contains headers." => "Indicate how many of the first rows of your file should be skipped when importing the data. For instance set it to 1 if the first row of your file contains headers."
"Two columns cannot have the same type of values" => "Two columns cannot have the same type of values"
"This column must be set:" => "This column must be set:"
"Meaning of severity levels:" => "Meaning of severity levels:"
"Logs by email" => "Logs by email"
"No module" => "No module"
"Profile" => "Profile"
"List of MySQL Tables" => "List of MySQL Tables"
"Please choose a table." => "Please choose a table."
"Add table name to SQL query" => "Add table name to SQL query"
"List of attributes for this MySQL table" => "List of attributes for this MySQL table"
"Add attribute to SQL query" => "Add attribute to SQL query"
"Action" => "Action"
"SQL query" => "SQL query"
"Add new SQL query" => "Add new SQL query"
"SQL query result" => "SQL query result"
"Outdated sessions" => "Outdated sessions"
"Clear outdated sessions manually" => "Clear outdated sessions manually"
"Clear" => "Clear"
"Password policy" => "Password policy"
"0 means the password is extremely easy to guess (within 10^3 guesses). Dictionary words like "password" or "mother" score 0." => "0 means the password is extremely easy to guess (within 10^3 guesses). Dictionary words like "password" or "mother" score 0."
"1 is still very easy to guess (guesses lesser than 10^6). An extra character on a dictionary word can score 1." => "1 is still very easy to guess (guesses less than 10^6). An extra character on a dictionary word can score 1."
"2 is pretty easy to guess (guesses lesser than 10^8). It provides some protection from unthrottled online attacks." => "2 is pretty easy to guess (guesses less than 10^8). It provides some protection from unthrottled online attacks."
"3 is safely unguessable (guesses lesser than 10^10). It offers moderate protection from offline slow-hash scenario." => "3 is safely unguessable (guesses less than 10^10). It offers moderate protection from offline slow-hash scenario."
"4 is very unguessable (guesses greater than or equal to 10^10) and provides strong protection from offline slow-hash scenario." => "4 is very unguessable (guesses greater than or equal to 10^10) and provides strong protection from offline slow-hash scenario."
"1 is still very easy to guess (guesses less than 10^6). An extra character on a dictionary word can score 1." => "1 is still very easy to guess (guesses less than 10^6). An extra character on a dictionary word can score 1."
"2 is pretty easy to guess (guesses less than 10^8). It provides some protection from unthrottled online attacks." => "2 is pretty easy to guess (guesses less than 10^8). It provides some protection from unthrottled online attacks."
"3 is safely unguessable (guesses less than 10^10). It offers moderate protection from offline slow-hash scenario." => "3 is safely unguessable (guesses less than 10^10). It offers moderate protection from offline slow-hash scenario."
"Webservice Accounts" => "Webservice Accounts"
"Set the resource permissions for this key:" => "Set the resource permissions for this key:"
"Add new webservice key" => "Add new webservice key"
"Webservice status" => "Webservice status"
"Webservice is enabled. Main entry point is" => "Webservice is enabled. Main entry point is"
"It seems that the webservice endpoint is not functional. If you are using httpd/apache2, you need to enable URL rewriting on your server." => "It seems that the webservice endpoint is not functional. If you are using httpd/apache2, you need to enable URL rewriting on your server."
"Read the [1]developer documentation[/1]." => "Read the [1]developer documentation[/1]."
"Upload quota" => "Upload quota"
"Port" => "Port"
"IP Address" => "IP Address"
"Weight" => "Weight"
"Add server" => "Add server"
"Add Server" => "Add Server"
"Test Server" => "Test Server"
"Debug mode" => "Debug mode"
"Smarty" => "Smarty"
"Modules" => "Modules"
"Disable non built-in modules" => "Disable non built-in modules"
"Optional features" => "Optional features"
"CCC (Combine, Compress and Cache)" => "CCC (Combine, Compress and Cache)"
"Media servers (use only with CCC)" => "Media servers (use only with CCC)"
"You must enter another domain, or subdomain, in order to use cookieless static content." => "You must enter another domain, or subdomain, in order to use cookieless static content."
"Caching" => "Caching"
"Disable all non-built-in modules?" => "Disable all non-built-in modules?"
"Configuration information" => "Configuration information"
"This information must be provided when you report an issue on GitHub or on the forum." => "This information must be provided when you report an issue on GitHub or on the forum."
"Server information" => "Server information"
"Server information:" => "Server information:"
"Server software version:" => "Server software version:"
"PHP version:" => "PHP version:"
"Memory limit:" => "Memory limit:"
"Max execution time:" => "Max execution time:"
"Upload Max File size:" => "Upload Max File size:"
"PageSpeed module for Apache installed (mod_instaweb)" => "PageSpeed module for Apache installed (mod_instaweb)"
"Database information" => "Database information"
"MySQL version:" => "MySQL version:"
"MySQL server:" => "MySQL server:"
"MySQL name:" => "MySQL name:"
"MySQL user:" => "MySQL user:"
"Tables prefix:" => "Tables prefix:"
"MySQL engine:" => "MySQL engine:"
"MySQL driver:" => "MySQL driver:"
"List of overrides" => "List of overrides"
"Store information" => "Store information"
"PrestaShop version:" => "PrestaShop version:"
"Shop URL:" => "Shop URL:"
"Shop path:" => "Shop path:"
"Current theme in use:" => "Current theme in use:"
"Mail configuration" => "Mail configuration"
"Mail method:" => "Mail method:"
"You are using /usr/sbin/sendmail" => "You are using /usr/sbin/sendmail"
"You are using your own SMTP parameters." => "You are using your own SMTP parameters."
"SMTP server:" => "SMTP server:"
"SMTP username:" => "SMTP username:"
"Defined" => "Defined"
"Not defined" => "Not defined"
"SMTP password:" => "SMTP password:"
"Encryption:" => "Encryption:"
"SMTP port:" => "SMTP port:"
"Your information" => "Your information"
"Your web browser:" => "Your web browser:"
"Check your configuration" => "Check your configuration"
"Required parameters:" => "Required parameters:"
"Optional parameters:" => "Optional parameters:"
"List of changed files" => "List of changed files"
"You must provide this information when reporting an issue on GitHub or on the forum." => "You must provide this information when reporting an issue on GitHub or on the forum."
"No overrides have been found." => "No overrides have been found."
"Straight rows of keys are easy to guess" => "Straight rows of keys are easy to guess"
"Short keyboard patterns are easy to guess" => "Short keyboard patterns are easy to guess"
"Use a longer keyboard pattern with more turns" => "Use a longer keyboard pattern with more turns"
"Repeats like "aaa" are easy to guess" => "Repeats like "aaa" are easy to guess"
"Repeats like "abcabcabc" are only slightly harder to guess than "abc"" => "Repeats like "abcabcabc" are only slightly harder to guess than "abc""
"Sequences like abc or 6543 are easy to guess" => "Sequences like abc or 6543 are easy to guess"
"Recent years are easy to guess" => "Recent years are easy to guess"
"Dates are often easy to guess" => "Dates are often easy to guess"
"This is a top-10 common password" => "This is a top-10 common password"
"This is a top-100 common password" => "This is a top-100 common password"
"This is a very common password" => "This is a very common password"
"This is similar to a commonly used password" => "This is similar to a commonly used password"
"A word by itself is easy to guess" => "A word by itself is easy to guess"
"Names and surnames by themselves are easy to guess" => "Names and surnames by themselves are easy to guess"
"Common names and surnames are easy to guess" => "Common names and surnames are easy to guess"
"Very weak" => "Very weak"
"Weak" => "Weak"
"Average" => "Average"
"Strong" => "Strong"
"Very strong" => "Very strong"
"Use a few words, avoid common phrases" => "Use a few words, avoid common phrases"
"No need for symbols, digits, or uppercase letters" => "No need for symbols, digits, or uppercase letters"
"Avoid repeated words and characters" => "Avoid repeated words and characters"
"Avoid sequences" => "Avoid sequences"
"Avoid recent years" => "Avoid recent years"
"Avoid years that are associated with you" => "Avoid years that are associated with you"
"Avoid dates and years that are associated with you" => "Avoid dates and years that are associated with you"
"Capitalization doesn't help very much" => "Capitalization doesn't help very much"
"All-uppercase is almost as easy to guess as all-lowercase" => "All-uppercase is almost as easy to guess as all-lowercase"
"Reversed words aren't much harder to guess" => "Reversed words aren't much harder to guess"
"Predictable substitutions like '@' instead of 'a' don't help very much" => "Predictable substitutions like '@' instead of 'a' don't help very much"
"Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better." => "Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better."
"Enter a password between %d and %d characters" => "Enter a password between %d and %d characters"
"The minimum score must be: %s" => "The minimum score must be: %s"
"Sequences like "abc" or "6543" are easy to guess" => "Sequences like "abc" or "6543" are easy to guess."
"Predictable substitutions like "@" instead of "a" don't help very much" => "Predictable substitutions like "@" instead of "a" don't help very much."
"Send a test email" => "Send a test email"
"File size" => "File size"
"Price tax excluded" => "Price tax excluded"
"Price tax included" => "Price tax included"
"Price per unit" => "Base price"
"AdminPaymentHelp" => array:7 [
"Please mark each checkbox for the currency, or currencies, for which you want the payment module(s) to be available." => "Please select available currencies for every payment module."
"Please mark each checkbox for the customer group(s), for which you want the payment module(s) to be available." => "Please select available payment modules for every customer group."
"Please mark each checkbox for the country, or countries, in which you want the payment module(s) to be available." => "Please mark each checkbox for the country, or countries, in which you want the payment module(s) to be available."
"Please mark each checkbox for the carrier, or carrier, for which you want the payment module(s) to be available." => "Please select available payment modules for every carrier."
"This is where you decide what payment modules are available for different variations like your customers' currency, group, and country." => "This is where you decide what payment modules are available for different variations like your customers' currency, group, and country."
"A check mark indicates you want the payment module available." => "A check mark indicates you want the payment module available."
"If it is not checked then this means that the payment module is disabled." => "If it is not checked then this means that the payment module is disabled."
"ModulesNewproductsAdmin" => array:8 [
"New products block" => "New products block"
"Displays a block featuring your store's newest products." => "Displays a block featuring your store's newest products."
"Please complete the "products to display" field." => "Please complete the "products to display" field."
"Invalid number." => "Invalid number."
"Products to display" => "Products to display"
"Define the number of products to be displayed in this block." => "Define the number of products to be displayed in this block."
"Number of days for which the product is considered 'new'" => "Number of days for which the product is considered 'new'"
"Highlight your store's newest products, display a block on the homepage and let the visitors know about your latest news." => "Highlight your store's newest products, display a block on the homepage and let visitors know about your latest news."
"AdminShopparametersHelp" => array:135 [
"e.g. 10:00AM - 9:30PM" => "e.g. 10:00AM - 9:30PM"
"Image width in pixels. Enter "0" to use the original size." => "Image width in pixels. Enter "0" to use the original size."
"Image height in pixels. Enter "0" to use the original size." => "Image height in pixels. Enter "0" to use the original size."
"The group defined for your un-identified visitors." => "The group defined for your un-identified visitors."
"The group defined for your identified guest customers (used in guest checkout)." => "The group defined for your identified guest customers (used in guest checkout)."
"The group defined for your identified registered customers." => "The group defined for your identified registered customers."
"Automatically apply this value as a discount on all products for members of this customer group." => "Automatically apply this value as a discount on all products for members of this customer group."
"How prices are displayed in the order summary for this customer group." => "How prices are displayed in the order summary for this customer group."
"Customers in this group can view prices." => "Customers in this group can view prices."
"Need to hide prices for all groups? Save time, enable catalog mode in Product Settings instead." => "Need to hide prices for all groups? Save time, enable catalog mode in Product Settings instead."
"%group_name% - All persons without a customer account or customers that are not logged in." => "%group_name% - All persons without a customer account or customers that are not logged in."
"%group_name% - All persons who placed an order through Guest Checkout." => "%group_name% - All persons who placed an order through Guest Checkout."
"%group_name% - All persons who created an account on this site." => "%group_name% - All persons who created an account on this site."
"PrestaShop has three default customer groups:" => "PrestaShop has three default customer groups:"
"Enable the automatic indexing of products. If you enable this feature, the products will be indexed in the search automatically when they are saved. If the feature is disabled, you will have to index products manually by using the links provided in the field set." => "Enable the automatic indexing of products. If you enable this feature, the products will be indexed in the search automatically when they are saved. If the feature is disabled, you will have to index products manually by using the links provided in the field set."
"By default, to search for “blouse”, you have to enter “blous”, “blo”, etc (beginning of the word) – but not “lous” (within the word)." => "By default, to search for “blouse”, you have to enter “blous”, “blo”, etc (beginning of the word) – but not “lous” (within the word)."
"With this option enabled, it also gives the good result if you search for “lous”, “ouse”, or anything contained in the word." => "With this option enabled, it also gives the good result if you search for “lous”, “ouse”, or anything contained in the word."
"Enable search within a whole word, rather than from its beginning only." => "Enable search within a whole word, rather than from its beginning only."
"It checks if the searched term is contained in the indexed word. This may be resource-consuming." => "It checks if the searched term is contained in the indexed word. This may be resource-consuming."
"By default, if you search "book", you will have "book", "bookcase" and "bookend"." => "By default, if you search "book", you will have "book", "bookcase" and "bookend"."
"With this option enabled, it only gives one result “book”, as exact end of the indexed word is matching." => "With this option enabled, it only gives one result “book”, as exact end of the indexed word is matching."
"Enable more precise search with the end of the word." => "Enable more precise search with the end of the word."
"It checks if the searched term is the exact end of the indexed word." => "It checks if the searched term is the exact end of the indexed word."
"By default, the fuzzy search is enabled. It means spelling errors are allowed, e.g. you can search for "bird" with words like "burd", "bard" or "beerd"." => "By default, the fuzzy search is enabled. It means spelling errors are allowed, e.g. you can search for "bird" with words like "burd", "bard" or "beerd"."
"Disabling this option will require exact spelling for the search to match results." => "Disabling this option will require exact spelling for the search to match results."
"Enable approximate string matching." => "Enable approximate string matching."
"Note that this option is resource-consuming: the more you search, the longer it takes." => "Note that this option is resource-consuming: the more you search, the longer it takes."
"Only words fewer or equal to this maximum length will be searched." => "Only words fewer or equal to this maximum length will be searched."
"This parameter will only be used if the fuzzy search is activated: the lower the value, the more tolerant your search will be." => "This parameter will only be used if the fuzzy search is activated: the lower the value, the more tolerant your search will be."
"Only words this size or larger will be indexed." => "Only words this size or larger will be indexed."
"Please enter the index words separated by a "|"." => "Please enter the index words separated by a "|"."
"Enter each alias separated by a comma (e.g. 'prestshop,preztashop,prestasohp')." => "Enter each alias separated by a comma (e.g. 'prestshop,preztashop,prestasohp')."
"Forbidden characters: <>;=#{}" => "Forbidden characters: <>;=#{}"
"Search this word instead." => "Search this word instead."
"This field does not refer to the shop name visible in the front office." => "This field does not refer to the shop name visible in the front office."
"Follow [1]this link[/1] to edit the shop name used on the front office." => "Follow [1]this link[/1] to edit the shop name used on the front office."
"You can't edit the shop group because the current shop belongs to a group with the "share" option enabled." => "You can't edit the store group because the current store belongs to a group with the "share" option enabled."
"This is the root category of the store that you've created. To define a new root category for your store, [1]please click here[/1]." => "This is the root category of the store that you've created. To define a new root category for your store, [1]please click here[/1]."
"By selecting associated categories, you are choosing to share the categories between shops. Once associated between shops, any alteration of this category will impact every shop." => "By selecting associated categories, you are choosing to share the categories between shops. Once associated between shops, any alteration of this category will impact every shop."
"Upload an icon from your computer (File type: .gif, suggested size: 16x16)." => "Upload an icon from your computer (File type: .gif, suggested size: 16x16)."
"Whether or not to display this store." => "Whether or not to display this store."
"Storefront picture." => "Storefront picture."
"Displayed in emails sent to customers." => "Displayed in emails sent to customers."
"Shop registration information (e.g. SIRET or RCS)." => "Shop registration information (e.g. SIRET or RCS)."
"Contact name (e.g. Customer Support)." => "Contact name (e.g. Customer Support)."
"Emails will be sent to this address." => "Emails will be sent to this address."
"If enabled, all messages will be saved in the "Customer Service" page under the "Customer" menu." => "If enabled, all messages will be saved in the "Customer Service" page under the "Customer" menu."
"After a customer logs in, you can recall and display the content of his/her last shopping cart." => "After a customer logs in, you can recall and display the content of his/her last shopping cart."
"Send an email with a summary of the account information after registration." => "Send an email with a summary of the account information after registration."
"Minimum time required between two requests for a password reset." => "Minimum time required between two requests for a password reset."
"Activate or deactivate B2B mode. When this option is enabled, B2B features will be made available." => "Activate or deactivate B2B mode. When this option is enabled, B2B features will be made available."
"Display or not the birth date field." => "Display or not the birth date field."
"Display or not the partner offers tick box, to receive offers from the store's partners." => "Optional check box for affiliate links"
"We recommend that you deactivate your store while performing maintenance. Note that it will not disable the webservice." => "We recommend that you deactivate your store while performing maintenance. Note that it will not disable the webservice."
"Allow IP addresses to access the store, even in maintenance mode. Use a comma to separate them (e.g.,," => "Allow IP addresses to access the store, even in maintenance mode. Use a comma to separate them (e.g.,,"
"Display a customized message when the store is disabled." => "Display a customized message when the store is disabled."
"When enabled, admins will access the store front office without storing their IP." => "When enabled, admins will access the store front office without storing their IP."
"If you own an SSL certificate for your shop's domain name, you can activate SSL encryption (https://) for customer account identification and order processing." => "If you own an SSL certificate for your shop's domain name, you can activate SSL encryption (https://) for customer account identification and order processing."
"When enabled, all the pages of your shop will be SSL-secured." => "When enabled, all the pages of your store will be SSL-secured."
"Enable or disable token in the Front Office to improve PrestaShop's security." => "Enable or disable token in the Front Office to improve PrestaShop's security."
"Allow iframes on text fields like product description. We recommend that you leave this option disabled." => "Allow iframes on text fields like product description. We recommend that you leave this option disabled."
"Clean the HTML content on text fields. We recommend that you leave this option enabled." => "Clean the HTML content on text fields. We recommend that you leave this option enabled."
"You can choose among 6 different ways of rounding prices. "Round up away from zero ..." is the recommended behavior." => "You can choose among 6 different ways of rounding prices. "Round up away from zero ..." is the recommended behavior."
"You can choose when to round prices: either on each item, each line or the total (of an invoice, for example)." => "You can choose when to round prices: either on each item, each line or the total (of an invoice, for example)."
"Enable suppliers page on your front office even when its module is disabled." => "Enable suppliers page on your front office even when its module is disabled."
"Enable brands page on your front office even when its module is disabled." => "Enable brands page on your front office even when its module is disabled."
"Enable best sellers page on your front office even when its respective module is disabled." => "Enable best sellers page on your front office even when its respective module is disabled."
"The multistore feature allows you to manage several front offices from a single back office. If this feature is enabled, a Multistore page is available in the Advanced Parameters menu." => "The multistore feature allows you to manage several front offices from a single back office. If this feature is enabled, a Multistore page is available in the Advanced Parameters menu."
"Display an overview of the addresses, shipping method and cart just before the order button (required in some European countries)." => "Display a summary of all relevant order data (payment method, adresses, dispatch and cart) above the order button."
"Allow guest visitors to place an order without registering." => "Allow guest visitors to place an order without registering."
"Disable the option to allow customers to reorder in one click from the order history page (required in some European countries)." => "Disable the option to allow customers to reorder in one click from the order history page (required in some European countries)."
"Set to 0 to disable this feature." => "Set to 0 to disable this feature."
"Automatically updates the shipping costs when you edit an order." => "Automatically updates the shipping costs when you edit an order."
"Allow the customer to ship orders to multiple addresses. This option will convert the customer's cart into one or more orders." => "Allow the customer to ship orders to multiple addresses. This option will convert the customer's cart into one or more orders."
"It allows you to delay shipping if your customers request it." => "It allows you to delay shipping if your customers request it."
"Require customers to accept or decline terms of service before processing an order." => "Require customers to accept or decline terms of service before processing an order."
"Choose the page which contains your store's terms and conditions of use." => "Choose the page which contains your store's terms and conditions."
"The order status will be set to "On backorder" for new orders containing products that are out of stock." => "The order status will be set to "On backorder" for new orders containing products that are out of stock."
"Suggest gift-wrapping to customers." => "Suggest gift-wrapping to customers."
"Set a price for gift wrapping." => "Set a price for gift wrapping."
"Set a tax for gift wrapping." => "Set a tax for gift wrapping."
"Suggest recycled packaging to customer." => "Suggest recycled packaging to customer."
"Remember to regenerate email templates in [1]Design > Email theme[/1] after enabling or disabling this feature." => "Remember to regenerate email templates in [1]Design > Email theme[/1] after enabling or disabling this feature."
"Only letters, numbers and underscores ("_") are allowed." => "Only letters, numbers and underscores ("_") are allowed."
"Email template for both .html and .txt." => "Email template for both .html and .txt."
"Catalog mode disables the shopping cart on your store. Visitors will be able to browse your products catalog, but not buy them." => "Catalog mode disables the shopping cart on your store. Visitors will be able to browse your products catalog, but not buy them."
"Display product prices when in catalog mode." => "Display product prices when in catalog mode."
"To hide prices for a specific group, go to [1]Customer Settings > Groups[/1]." => "To hide prices for a specific group, go to [1]Customer Settings > Groups[/1]."
"characters" => "characters"
"How to calculate quantity discounts." => "How to calculate quantity discounts."
"When active, friendly URL will be updated on every save." => "When active, friendly URL will be updated on every save."
"Enable this option if you want to activate by default all your manually created new products." => "Enable this option if you want to activate by default all your manually created new products."
"If a customer meets multiple conditions, specific prices will be applied in this order of priority, unless a different order has been set for a particular product." => "If a customer meets multiple conditions, specific prices will be applied in this order of priority, unless a different order has been set for a particular product."
"You can specify the default behavior for all disabled products. The product page can display a "Discontinued" message or an error page. You can also specify which HTTP response is sent to users. This can be set specifically for each product." => "You can specify the default behavior for all disabled products. The product page can display a "Discontinued" message or an error page. You can also specify which HTTP response is sent to users. This can be set specifically for each product."
"When enabled, friendly URL will be updated on every name change for offline products only." => "When enabled, friendly URL will be updated on every name change for offline products only."
"Display the "%add_to_cart_label%" button when a product has attributes" => "Display the "%add_to_cart_label%" button when a product has attributes"
"Display or hide the "%add_to_cart_label%" button on category pages for products that have attributes forcing customers to see product details." => "Display or hide the "%add_to_cart_label%" button on category pages for products that have attributes forcing customers to see product details."
"In the volume discount table on the product page, display the discounted unit price instead of the unit discount. E.g. If you sell a product for $10 with a discount of $2 from 3 items purchased, the discounted unit price ($8) will be displayed instead of the unit discount ($2)." => "In the volume discount table on the product page, display the discounted unit price instead of the unit discount. E.g. If you sell a product for $10 with a discount of $2 from 3 items purchased, the discounted unit price ($8) will be displayed instead of the unit discount ($2)."
"Display the "%add_to_cart_label%" button when a product has combinations" => "Display the "%add_to_cart_label%" button when a product has combinations"
"Some themes allow your customers to add a product to their cart directly from the product list. You may want to deactivate this feature if a product has combinations, requiring your customers to check product details and choose one of the options." => "Some themes allow your customers to add a product to their cart directly from the product list. You may want to deactivate this feature if a product has combinations, requiring your customers to check product details and choose one of the options."
"Number of products displayed per page. Default is 12" => "Number of products displayed per page. Default is 12"
"The order in which products are displayed in the product list." => "The order in which products are displayed in the product list."
"When selling packs of products, how do you want your stock to be calculated?" => "When selling packs of products, how do you want your stock to be calculated?"
"If an attribute is not available in every product combination, it will not be displayed." => "If an attribute is not available in every product combination, it will not be displayed."
"Set to "0" to disable this feature." => "Set to "0" to disable this feature."
"By default, the "%add_to_cart_label%" button is hidden when a product is unavailable. You can choose to have it displayed in all cases." => "By default, the "%add_to_cart_label%" button is hidden when a product is unavailable. You can choose to have it displayed in all cases."
"In stock" => "In stock"
"On backorder" => "On backorder"
"Out of stock" => "Out of stock"
"Advised for European merchants to be legally compliant (eg: Delivered within 3-4 days)" => "Advised for European merchants to be legally compliant (eg: Delivered within 3-4 days)"
"Delivered within 3-4 days" => "Delivered within 3-4 days"
"Advised for European merchants to be legally compliant (eg: Delivered within 5-7 days)" => "Advised for European merchants to be legally compliant (eg: Delivered within 5-7 days)"
"Delivered within 5-7 days" => "Delivered within 5-7 days"
"Note that the label will be displayed only if backorders are denied." => "Note that the label will be displayed only if backorders are denied."
"For packs of products, stocks can be managed manually or automatically based on individual product stock levels. Further customization is possible for each product." => "For packs of products, stocks can be managed manually or automatically based on individual product stock levels. Further customization is possible for each product."
"Enable this option if you want to display your product's attributes in its meta title." => "Enable this option if you want to display your product's attributes in its meta title."
"Enable this option only if your server allows URL rewriting (recommended)." => "Enable this option only if your server allows URL rewriting (recommended)."
"URL rewriting (mod_rewrite) is not active on your server, or it is not possible to check your server configuration. If you want to use Friendly URLs, you must activate this mod." => "URL rewriting (mod_rewrite) is not active on your server, or it is not possible to check your server configuration. If you want to use Friendly URLs, you must activate this mod."
"Enable this option if you want to allow accented characters in your friendly URLs. You should only activate this option if you are using non-Latin characters; for all the Latin charsets, your SEO will be better without this option." => "Enable this option if you want to allow accented characters in your friendly URLs. You should only activate this option if you are using non-Latin characters; for all the Latin charsets, your SEO will be better without this option."
"Enable this option only if you have problems with URL rewriting." => "Enable this option only if you have problems with URL rewriting."
"Some of PrestaShop's features might not work correctly with a specific configuration of Apache's mod_security module. We recommend to turn it off." => "Some of PrestaShop's features might not work correctly with a specific configuration of Apache's mod_security module. We recommend to turn it off."
"[1]Make[/1] sure partner offers are not set as required in the [2]Customers[/2] section of the back office before disabling them. Otherwise, new customers won't be able to create an account and [1]proceed[/1] to checkout." => "[1]Make[/1] sure partner offers are not set as required in the [2]Customers[/2] section of the back office before disabling them. Otherwise, new customers won't be able to create an account and [1]proceed[/1] to checkout."
"Order's return status name." => "Order's return status name."
"Invalid characters: numbers and" => "Invalid characters: numbers and"
"Status will be highlighted in this color. HTML colors only." => "Status will be highlighted in this color. HTML colors only."
"Order status (e.g. 'Pending')." => "Order status (e.g. 'Pending')."
"Invalid characters:" => "Invalid characters:"
"Name of the related page." => "Name of the related page."
"Title of this page." => "Title of this page."
"A short description of your shop." => "A short description of your shop."
"List of keywords for search engines." => "List of keywords for search engines."
"For instance, "contacts" for http://example.com/shop/contacts to redirect to http://example.com/shop/contact-form.php" => "For instance, "contacts" for http://example.com/shop/contacts to redirect to http://example.com/shop/contact-form.php"
"Only letters and hyphens are allowed." => "Only letters and hyphens are allowed."
"If you want to enable SSL on all the pages of your shop, activate the "Enable on all the pages" option below." => "If you want to enable SSL on all the pages of your store, activate the "Enable on all the pages" option below."
"To add tags, click in the field, write something, and then press the "Enter" key." => "To add tags, click in the field, write something, and then press the "Enter" key."
"AdminShopparametersNotification" => array:50 [
"Caution: The discount applied to a category does not stack with the overall reduction but instead replaces it." => "Caution: The discount applied to a category does not stack with the overall reduction but instead replaces it."
"Only products that have this category as the default category will be affected." => "Only products that have this category as the default category will be affected."
"You cannot delete this shop (customer and/or order dependency)" => "You cannot delete this shop (customer and/or order dependency)"
"Click here to set a URL for this shop." => "Click here to set a URL for this shop."
"Width and height must be numeric values." => "Width and height must be numeric values."
"The discount value is incorrect (must be a percentage)." => "The discount value is incorrect (must be a percentage)."
"Wrong category ID." => "Wrong category ID."
"The discount value is incorrect." => "The discount value is incorrect."
"You cannot save group reductions." => "You cannot save group reductions."
"An error occurred while updating this group." => "An error occurred while updating this group."
"Aliases and results are both required." => "Aliases and results are both required."
"Is not a valid result" => "Is not a valid result"
"Is not a valid alias" => "Is not a valid alias"
"This is not a valid IP address:" => "This is not a valid IP address:"
"You cannot delete this shop (customer and/or order dependency)." => "You cannot delete this shop (customer and/or order dependency)."
"Please create some sub-categories for this root category." => "Please create some sub-categories for this root category."
"You need to select at least the root category." => "You need to select at least the root category."
"Warning: You won't be able to change the group of this shop if this shop belongs to a group with one of these options activated: Share Customers, Share Quantities or Share Orders." => "Warning: You won't be able to change the group of this store if it belongs to a group with one of these options activated: Share Customers, Share Quantities or Share Orders."
"You can only move your shop to a shop group with all "share" options disabled -- or to a shop group with no customers/orders." => "You can only move your store to a store group with all "share" options disabled -- or to a store group with no customers/orders."
"For security reasons, you cannot delete default order statuses." => "For security reasons, you cannot delete default order statuses."
"An address located in a country containing states must have a state selected." => "An address located in a country containing states must have a state selected."
"Latitude and longitude are required." => "Latitude and longitude are required."
"The specified state is not located in this country." => "The specified state is not located in this country."
"Before being able to use this tool, you need to:" => "Before being able to use this tool, you need to:"
"Create a blank .htaccess in your root directory." => "Create a blank .htaccess in your root directory."
"Give it write permissions (CHMOD 666 on Unix system)." => "Give it write permissions (CHMOD 666 on Unix system)."
"The Base URI is not valid." => "The Base URI is not valid."
"An order status with the same name already exists: %s" => "An order status with the same name already exists: %s"
"You must define an SMTP server and an SMTP port. If you do not know it, use the PHP mail() function instead." => "You must define an SMTP server and an SMTP port. If you do not know it, use the PHP mail() function instead."
"Assign a valid page if you want it to be read." => "Assign a valid page if you want it to be read."
"Your robots.txt file MUST be in your website's root directory and nowhere else (e.g. http://www.example.com/robots.txt)." => "Your robots.txt file MUST be in your website's root directory and nowhere else (e.g. http://www.example.com/robots.txt)."
"Generate your "robots.txt" file by clicking on the following button (this will erase the old robots.txt file)" => "Generate your "robots.txt" file by clicking on the following button (this will erase the old robots.txt file)"
"Before you can use this tool, you need to:" => "Before you can use this tool, you need to:"
"1) Create a blank robots.txt file in your root directory." => "1) Create a blank robots.txt file in your root directory."
"2) Give it write permissions (CHMOD 666 on Unix system)." => "2) Give it write permissions (CHMOD 666 on Unix system)."
"The multistore option is enabled. If you want to change the URL of your shop, you must go to the "Multistore" page under the "Advanced Parameters" menu." => "The multistore option is enabled. If you want to change the URL of your shop, you must go to the "Multistore" page under the "Advanced Parameters" menu."
"Here you can set the URL for your shop. If you migrate your shop to a new URL, remember to change the values below." => "Here you can set the URL for your shop. If you migrate your shop to a new URL, remember to change the values below."
"This section enables you to change the default pattern of your links. In order to use this functionality, PrestaShop's "Friendly URL" option must be enabled, and Apache's URL rewriting module (mod_rewrite) must be activated on your web server." => "This section enables you to change the default pattern of your links. In order to use this functionality, PrestaShop's "Friendly URL" option must be enabled, and Apache's URL rewriting module (mod_rewrite) must be activated on your web server."
"There are several available keywords for each route listed below; note that keywords with * are required!" => "There are several available keywords for each route listed below; note that keywords with * are required!"
"To add a keyword in your URL, use the {keyword} syntax. If the keyword is not empty, you can add text before or after the keyword with syntax {prepend:keyword:append}. For example {-hey-:meta_title} will add "-hey-my-title" in the URL if the meta title is set." => "To add a keyword in your URL, use the {keyword} syntax. If the keyword is not empty, you can add text before or after the keyword with syntax {prepend:keyword:append}. For example {-hey-:meta_title} will add "-hey-my-title" in the URL if the meta title is set."
"Before making any changes to the default pattern of your URLs, make sure to meet the following requirements:" => "Before making any changes to the default pattern of your URLs, make sure to meet the following requirements:"
"The Friendly URL feature must be enabled" => "The Friendly URL feature must be enabled"
"URL rewriting must be activated on your web server" => "URL rewriting must be activated on your web server"
"All mandatory keywords (*) must be included in the route" => "All mandatory keywords (*) must be included in the route"
"You should also comply with the syntax:" => "You should also comply with the syntax:"
"Keywords must be in braces {keyword}" => "Keywords must be in braces {keyword}"
"All keywords must be separated" => "All keywords must be separated"
"As long as a keyword has an associated value, you can use the syntax {prepend:keyword:append} to add text before and after it" => "As long as a keyword has an associated value, you can use the syntax {prepend:keyword:append} to add text before and after it."
"As long as a keyword has an associated value, you can use the syntax {prepend:keyword:append} to add text before and after it." => "As long as a keyword has an associated value, you can use the syntax {prepend:keyword:append} to add text before and after it."
"You can only display the page list in a shop context." => "You can only display the page list in a shop context."
"ShopFormsLabels" => array:37 [
"Alias" => "Alias"
"Address" => "Address"
"Address Complement" => "Address Complement"
"Zip/Postal Code" => "Zip/Postal Code"
"City" => "City"
"Country" => "Country"
"State" => "State"
"Phone" => "Phone"
"Mobile phone" => "Mobile phone"
"VAT number" => "VAT number"
"Other" => "Other"
"First name" => "First name"
"Last name" => "Last name"
"Company" => "Company"
"Identification number" => "Identification number"
"Social title" => "Social title"
"Birthdate" => "Birthdate"
"Email" => "Email"
"Password" => "Password"
"Subject" => "Subject"
"Order reference" => "Order reference"
"Attachment" => "Attachment"
"Message" => "Message"
"Your email address" => "Your email address"
"Please choose" => "Please choose"
"-- day --" => "-- day --"
"-- month --" => "-- month --"
"-- year --" => "-- year --"
"Optional" => "Optional"
"Set your password:" => "Set your password:"
"Product" => "Product"
"-- please choose --" => "-- please choose --"
"Order Reference:" => "Order Reference:"
"Email:" => "Email:"
"Email address" => "Email address"
"New password" => "New password"
"Confirmation" => "Confirmation"
"ModulesCrosssellingShop" => array:1 [
"Customers who bought this product also bought:" => "Customers who bought this product also bought:"
"AdminNavigationSearch" => array:18 [
"There are no results matching your query "%s"." => "There are no results matching your query "%s"."
"%d results match your query "%s"." => "%d results match your query "%s"."
"1 result matches your query "%s"." => "1 result matches your query "%s"."
"1 feature" => "1 feature"
"%d features" => "%d features"
"1 module" => "1 module"
"%d modules" => "%d modules"
"1 category" => "1 category"
"%d categories" => "%d categories"
"1 product" => "1 product"
"%d products" => "%d products"
"1 customer" => "1 customer"
"%d customers" => "%d customers"
"1 order" => "1 order"
"%d orders" => "%d orders"
"Search docs.prestashop-project.org" => "Search docs.prestashop-project.org"
"Go to the documentation" => "Go to the documentation"
"%d result matches your query "%s"." => "%d result matches your query "%s"."
"ModulesCustomersigninAdmin" => array:3 [
"Customer "Sign in" link" => "Customer "Sign in" link"
"Make your customers feel at home on your store, invite them to sign in!" => "Make your customers feel at home on your store, invite them to sign in!"
"%firstname% %lastname%" => "%firstname% %lastname%"
"ModulesShoppingcartAdmin" => array:5 [
"Shopping cart" => "Shopping cart"
"Display a shopping cart icon on your pages and the number of items it contains." => "Display a shopping cart icon on your pages and the number of items it contains."
"Ajax: Invalid choice." => "Ajax: Invalid choice."
"Ajax cart" => "Ajax cart"
"Activate Ajax mode for the cart (compatible with the default theme)." => "Activate Ajax mode for the cart (compatible with the default theme)."
"AdminAdvparametersHelp" => array:136 [
"This page benefits from increased performance and includes new features such as a new combination management system." => "This page benefits from increased performance and includes new features such as a new combination management system."
"Access the new product page, even in a multistore context. This is a work in progress and some features are not available." => "Access the new product page, even in a multistore context. This is a work in progress and some features are not available."
"This page benefits from increased performance and includes new features such as a new combination management system. Please note this is a work in progress and some features are not available yet." => "This page benefits from increased performance and includes new features such as a new combination management system. Please note this is a work in progress and some features are not available yet."
"Enable or disable the migrated attribute page." => "Enable or disable the migrated Attribute page."
"Enable or disable the authorization server page." => "Enable or disable the Authorization server page."
"Enable or disable the migrated cart rules page." => "Enable or disable the migrated Cart rules page."
"Enable or disable the migrated catalog price rules page." => "Enable or disable the migrated Catalog price rules page."
"Enable or disable the migrated countries page." => "Enable or disable the migrated Countries page."
"Enable or disable the migrated states page." => "Enable or disable the migrated States page."
"Enable or disable the migrated carriers page." => "Enable or disable the migrated Carriers page."
"Enable or disable the migrated titles page." => "Enable or disable the migrated Titles page."
"Enable or disable the migrated permissions page." => "Enable or disable the migrated Permissions page."
"Enable or disable the migrated tax rules page." => "Enable or disable the migrated Tax rules page."
"Enable or disable the migrated customer threads page." => "Enable or disable the migrated Customer threads page."
"Enable or disable the migrated order states page." => "Enable or disable the migrated Order states page."
"or" => "or"
"Use this option to associate data (products, modules, etc.) the same way for each selected shop." => "Use this option to associate data (products, modules, etc.) the same way for each selected shop."
"Click here to display the shops in the %name% shop group" => "Click here to display the shops in the %name% store group"
"Click here to display the URLs of the %name% shop" => "Click here to display the URLs of the %name% shop"
"Click here to display the list of shop groups" => "Click here to display the list of store groups"
"Warning: Enabling the "share customers" and "share orders" options is not recommended. Once activated and orders are created, you will not be able to disable these options. If you need these options, we recommend using several categories rather than several shops." => "Warning: Enabling the "share customers" and "share orders" options is not recommended. Once activated and orders are created, you will not be able to disable these options. If you need these options, we recommend using several categories rather than several stores."
"Once this option is enabled, the shops in this group will share customers. If a customer registers in any one of these shops, the account will automatically be available in the others shops of this group." => "Once this option is enabled, the stores in this group will share customers. If a customer registers in any one of these stores, the account will automatically be available in the other stores of this group."
"Warning: you will not be able to disable this option once you have registered customers." => "Warning: you will not be able to disable this option once you have registered customers."
"Once this option is enabled (which is only possible if customers and available quantities are shared among shops), the customer's cart will be shared by all shops in this group. This way, any purchase started in one shop will be able to be completed in another shop from the same group." => "Once this option is enabled (which is only possible if customers and available quantities are shared among stores), the customer's cart will be shared by all stores in this group. This way, any purchase started in one store will be able to be completed in another store from the same group."
"Warning: You will not be able to disable this option once you've started to accept orders." => "Warning: You will not be able to disable this option once you've started to accept orders."
"Enable or disable this shop group?" => "Enable or disable this store group?"
"If you want to add a virtual URL, you need to activate URL rewriting on your web server and enable Friendly URL option." => "If you want to add a virtual URL, you need to activate URL rewriting on your web server and enable Friendly URL option."
"You can use this option if you want to create a store with a URL that doesn't exist on your server (e.g. if you want your store to be available with the URL www.example.com/my-store/shoes/, you have to set shoes/ in this field, assuming that my-store/ is your Physical URL)." => "You can use this option if you want to create a store with a URL that doesn't exist on your server (e.g. if you want your store to be available with the URL www.example.com/my-store/shoes/, you have to set shoes/ in this field, assuming that my-store/ is your Physical URL)."
"URL rewriting must be activated on your server to use this feature." => "URL rewriting must be activated on your server to use this feature."
"If you set this URL as the Main URL for the selected shop, all URLs set to this shop will be redirected to this URL (you can only have one Main URL per shop)." => "If you set this URL as the Main URL for the selected shop, all URLs set to this shop will be redirected to this URL (you can only have one Main URL per shop)."
"Since the selected shop has no main URL, you have to set this URL as the Main URL." => "Since the selected shop has no main URL, you have to set this URL as the Main URL."
"The selected shop already has a Main URL. Therefore, if you set this one as the Main URL, the older Main URL will be set as a regular URL." => "The selected shop already has a Main URL. Therefore, if you set this one as the Main URL, the older Main URL will be set as a regular URL."
"This is the physical folder for your store on the web server. Leave this field empty if your store is installed on the root path. For instance, if your store is available at www.example.com/my-store/, you must input my-store/ in this field." => "This is the physical folder for your store on the web server. Leave this field empty if your store is installed on the root path. For instance, if your store is available at www.example.com/my-store/, you must input my-store/ in this field."
"Warning: URL rewriting (e.g. mod_rewrite for Apache) seems to be disabled. If your Virtual URL doesn't work, please check with your hosting provider on how to activate URL rewriting." => "Warning: URL rewriting (e.g. mod_rewrite for Apache) seems to be disabled. If your Virtual URL doesn't work, please check with your hosting provider on how to activate URL rewriting."
"A category root is where a category tree can begin. This is used with multistore." => "A category root is where a category tree can begin. This is used with multistore."
"Ignore this field if you don't use the Multistore tool. If you leave this field empty, the default shop will be used." => "Ignore this field if you don't use the Multistore tool. If you leave this field empty, the default shop will be used."
"0 = Use quantity set in product, 1 = Use quantity from warehouse." => "0 = Use quantity set in product, 1 = Use quantity from warehouse."
"ID of the warehouse to set as storage." => "ID of the warehouse to set as storage."
"Enable advanced stock management on product (0 = No, 1 = Yes)" => "Enable advanced stock management on product (0 = No, 1 = Yes)"
"Enable Advanced Stock Management on product (0 = No, 1 = Yes)" => "Enable Advanced Stock Management on product (0 = No, 1 = Yes)"
"Enable advanced stock management on product (0 = No, 1 = Yes)." => "Enable advanced stock management on product (0 = No, 1 = Yes)."
"Enable Advanced Stock Management on product (0 = No, 1 = Yes)." => "Enable Advanced Stock Management on product (0 = No, 1 = Yes)."
"Ignore this field if you don't use the Multistore tool. If you leave this field empty, the default store will be used." => "Ignore this field if you don't use the Multistore tool. If you leave this field empty, the default store will be used."
"This will add directives to your .htaccess file, which should improve caching and compression." => "This will add directives to your .htaccess file, which should improve caching and compression."
"Enable or disable debug mode." => "Enable or disable debug mode."
"Enable or disable debug mode. Debug mode will enable extended error reporting, display the Symfony debug bar, and other features." => "Enable or disable debug mode. Debug mode will enable extended error reporting, display the Symfony debug bar, and other features."
"Enable or disable debug profiling. Debug profiling will display performance-related information under each page and help find performance bottlenecks in your store." => "Enable or disable debug profiling. Debug profiling will display performance-related information under each page and help find performance bottlenecks in your store."
"Name of the second domain of your shop, (e.g. myshop-media-server-1.com). If you do not have another domain, leave this field blank." => "Name of the second domain of your shop, (e.g. myshop-media-server-1.com). If you do not have another domain, leave this field blank."
"Name of the third domain of your shop, (e.g. myshop-media-server-2.com). If you do not have another domain, leave this field blank." => "Name of the third domain of your shop, (e.g. myshop-media-server-2.com). If you do not have another domain, leave this field blank."
"Name of the fourth domain of your shop, (e.g. myshop-media-server-3.com). If you do not have another domain, leave this field blank." => "Name of the fourth domain of your shop, (e.g. myshop-media-server-3.com). If you do not have another domain, leave this field blank."
"Choose "No" to disable Product Combinations." => "Choose "No" to disable Product Combinations."
"You cannot set this parameter to No when combinations are already used by some of your products" => "You cannot set this parameter to No when combinations are already used by some of your products"
"Choose "No" to disable Product Features." => "Choose "No" to disable Product Features."
"Choose "No" to disable Customer Groups." => "Choose "No" to disable Customer Groups."
"Should be enabled if you want to avoid to store the smarty cache on NFS." => "Should be enabled if you want to avoid to store the smarty cache on NFS."
"Choose a stability level for the modules downloaded from PrestaShop Addons Marketplace. All zips pushed on the marketplace are in stable state unless stated otherwise." => "Choose a stability level for the modules downloaded from PrestaShop Addons Marketplace. All zips pushed on the marketplace are in stable state unless stated otherwise."
"Check the IP address of the cookie in order to prevent your cookie from being stolen." => "Check the IP address of the cookie in order to prevent your cookie from being stolen."
"Set the amount of hours during which the front office cookies are valid. After that amount of time, the customer will have to log in again." => "Set the amount of hours during which the front office cookies are valid. After that amount of time, the customer will have to log in again."
"When you access your back office and decide to stay logged in, your cookies lifetime defines your browser session. Set here the number of hours during which you want them valid before logging in again." => "When you access your back office and decide to stay logged in, your cookies lifetime defines your browser session. Set here the number of hours during which you want them valid before logging in again."
"Allows you to declare if your cookie should be restricted to a first-party or same-site context." => "Allows you to declare if your cookie should be restricted to a first-party or same-site context."
"Set the maximum size allowed for attachment files (in megabytes). This value has to be lower than or equal to the maximum file upload allotted by your server (currently: %size% MB)." => "Set the maximum size allowed for attachment files (in megabytes). This value has to be lower than or equal to the maximum file upload allotted by your server (currently: %size% MB)."
"Define the upload limit for a downloadable product (in megabytes). This value has to be lower or equal to the maximum file upload allotted by your server (currently: %size% MB)." => "Define the upload limit for a downloadable product (in megabytes). This value has to be lower or equal to the maximum file upload allotted by your server (currently: %size% MB)."
"Define the upload limit for an image (in megabytes). This value has to be lower or equal to the maximum file upload allotted by your server (currently: %size% MB)." => "Define the upload limit for an image (in megabytes). This value has to be lower or equal to the maximum file upload allotted by your server (currently: %size% MB)."
"Drop existing tables during import." => "Drop existing tables during import."
"If enabled, the backup script will drop your tables prior to restoring data. (ie. "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS")" => "If enabled, the backup script will drop your tables prior to restoring data. (ie. "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS")"
"A DKIM selector usually looks like 12345.domain. It must match the name of your DNS record." => "A DKIM selector usually looks like 12345.domain. It must match the name of your DNS record."
"The private key starts with -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----." => "The private key starts with -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----."
"Where customers send messages from the order page." => "Where customers send messages from the order page."
"Enable DKIM, fill in the fields and give it a try. If no email is sent, check logs." => "Enable DKIM, fill in the fields and give it a try. If no email is sent, check logs."
"Fully qualified domain name (keep this field empty if you don't know)." => "Fully qualified domain name (keep this field empty if you don't know)."
"IP address or server name (e.g. smtp.mydomain.com)." => "IP address or server name (e.g. smtp.mydomain.com)."
"Leave blank if not applicable." => "Leave blank if not applicable."
"SSL does not seem to be available on your server." => "SSL does not seem to be available on your server."
"Port number to use." => "Port number to use."
"Allow or deny this employee's access to the Admin panel." => "Allow or deny this employee's access to the Admin panel."
"Select the stores the employee is allowed to access." => "Select the stores the employee is allowed to access."
"This page will be displayed just after login." => "This page will be displayed just after login."
"e.g. 1; Blouse; 129.90; 5" => "e.g. 1; Blouse; 129.90; 5"
"e.g. Blouse; red.jpg, blue.jpg, green.jpg; 129.90 " => "e.g. Blouse; red.jpg, blue.jpg, green.jpg; 129.90 "
"If enabled, the product's reference number MUST be unique!" => "If enabled, the product's reference number MUST be unique!"
"Enable this option to keep your imported items’ ID number as is. Otherwise, PrestaShop will ignore them and create auto-incremented ID numbers." => "Enable this option to keep your imported items’ ID number as is. Otherwise, PrestaShop will ignore them and create auto-incremented ID numbers."
"Receive an email when the import is complete. It can be useful when handling large files, as the import may take some time." => "Receive an email when the import is complete. It can be useful when handling large files, as the import may take some time."
"Click on "None" to disable log alerts by email or enter the recipients of these emails in the following field." => "Click on "None" to disable log alerts by email or enter the recipients of these emails in the following field."
"Log alerts will be sent to these emails. Please use a comma to separate them (e.g. pub@prestashop.com, anonymous@psgdpr.com)." => "Log alerts will be sent to these emails. Please use a comma to separate them (e.g. pub@prestashop.com, anonymous@psgdpr.com)."
"Enabling multi-statements queries increases the risk of SQL injection vulnerabilities being exploited." => "Enabling multi-statements queries increases the risk of SQL injection vulnerabilities being exploited."
"Back office pages require the use of a token. This protection can be disabled if needed." => "Back office pages require the use of a token. This protection can be disabled if needed."
"Before activating the webservice, you must be sure to: " => "Before activating the webservice, you must be sure to: "
"Check that URL rewriting is available on this server." => "Check that URL rewriting is available on this server."
"Check that the six methods GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and HEAD are supported by this server." => "Check that the six methods GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and HEAD are supported by this server."
"Before choosing "Yes", check that PHP is not configured as an Apache module on your server." => "Before choosing "Yes", check that PHP is not configured as an Apache module on your server."
"Quick description of the key: who it is for, what permissions it has, etc." => "Quick description of the key: who it is for, what permissions it has, etc."
"Password should be at least %num% characters long." => "Password should be at least %num% characters long."
"Informative only" => "Informative only"
"Warning" => "Warning"
"Error" => "Error"
"Major issue (crash)!" => "Major issue (crash)!"
"How to restore a database backup in 10 easy steps" => "How to restore a database backup in 10 easy steps"
"Set "Enable Shop" to "No" in the "Maintenance" page under the "Preferences" menu." => "Set "Enable Shop" to "No" in the "Maintenance" page under the "Preferences" menu."
"Download the backup from the list below or from your FTP server (in the folder "admin/backups")." => "Download the backup from the list below or from your FTP server (in the folder "admin/backups")."
"Check the backup integrity: Look for errors, incomplete file, etc... Be sure to verify all of your data." => "Check the backup integrity: Look for errors, incomplete file, etc... Be sure to verify all of your data."
"Please ask your hosting provider for "phpMyAdmin" access to your database." => "Please ask your hosting provider for "phpMyAdmin" access to your database."
"Connect to "phpMyAdmin" and select your current database." => "Connect to "phpMyAdmin" and select your current database."
"Unless you enabled the "Drop existing tables" option, you must delete all tables from your current database." => "Unless you enabled the "Drop existing tables" option, you must delete all tables from your current database."
"At the top of the screen, please select the "Import" tab" => "At the top of the screen, please select the "Import" tab"
"Click on the "%phpmyadmin_browse_label%" button and select the backup file from your hard drive." => "Click on the "%phpmyadmin_browse_label%" button and select the backup file from your hard drive."
"Check the maximum filesize allowed (e.g. Max: 16MB)" => "Check the maximum filesize allowed (e.g. Max: 16MB)"
"If your backup file exceeds this limit, contact your hosting provider for assistance. " => "If your backup file exceeds this limit, contact your hosting provider for assistance. "
"Click on the "%phpmyadmin_go_label%" button and please wait patiently for the import process to conclude. This may take several minutes." => "Click on the "%phpmyadmin_go_label%" button and please wait patiently for the import process to conclude. This may take several minutes."
"You can read information on import at:" => "You can read information on import at:"
"https://docs.prestashop-project.org/1.7-documentation/user-guide/configuring-shop/advanced-parameters/import" => "https://docs.prestashop-project.org/1.7-documentation/user-guide/configuring-shop/advanced-parameters/import"
"Read more about the CSV format at:" => "Read more about the CSV format at:"
"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values" => "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values"
"Allowed formats: .csv, .xls, .xlsx, .xlst, .ods, .ots" => "Allowed formats: .csv, .xls, .xlsx, .xlst, .ods, .ots"
"Only UTF-8 and ISO 8859-1 encodings are allowed" => "Only UTF-8 and ISO 8859-1 encodings are allowed"
"You can also upload your file via FTP to the following directory: %s ." => "You can also upload your file via FTP to the following directory: %s ."
"https://docs.prestashop-project.org/v.8-documentation/user-guide/configuring-shop/advanced-parameters/import" => "https://docs.prestashop-project.org/v.8-documentation/user-guide/configuring-shop/advanced-parameters/import"
"Fill in the fields below to set up DKIM signing of outgoing emails. This will reduce the likelihood of your emails being marked as spam.\n You can get the data below from your server administrator or generate it yourself by using one of the freely available tools, such as dkimcore.org.\n Also, make sure that your server is registered as an authorized sender in your SPF record. " => """
Fill in the fields below to set up DKIM signing of outgoing emails. This will reduce the likelihood of your emails being marked as spam.\n
You can get the data below from your server administrator or generate it yourself by using one of the freely available tools, such as dkimcore.org.\n
Also, make sure that your server is registered as an authorized sender in your SPF record.
"Allow or disallow this employee to log in to the Admin panel." => "Allow or disallow this employee to log in to the Admin panel."
"Select the shops the employee is allowed to access." => "Select the shops the employee is allowed to access."
"This page will be displayed right after signing in." => "This page will be displayed right after signing in."
"Severity levels" => "Severity levels"
"How do I create a new SQL query?" => "How do I create a new SQL query?"
"Click "%add_new_label%"." => "Click "%add_new_label%"."
"Fill in the fields and click "%save_label%"." => "Fill in the fields and click "%save_label%"."
"You can then view the query results by clicking on the "%view_label%" action in the dropdown menu" => "You can then view the query results by clicking on the "%view_label%" action in the dropdown menu."
"You can also export the query results as a CSV file by clicking on the "%export_label%" button" => "You can also export the query results as a CSV file by clicking on the "%export_label%" button."
"All outdated sessions will be automatically cleared after the first connection attempt, but you can do it manually now if needed." => "All outdated sessions will be automatically cleared after the first connection attempt, but you can do it manually now if needed."
"Scores are integers from 0 to 4." => "Scores are integers from 0 to 4."
"Notifications are numbered bubbles displayed at the very top of your back office, right next to the shop's name. They display the number of new items since you last clicked on them." => "Notifications are numbered bubbles displayed at the very top of your back office, right next to the shop's name. They display the number of new items since you last clicked on them."
"This feature allows you to identify modules that might be causing bugs on your store. Disable all non-built-in modules (not listed in composer.json). Then, re-enable each module one by one and check that everything works properly before moving on to the next one." => "This feature allows you to identify modules that might be causing bugs on your store. Disable all non-built-in modules (not listed in composer.json). Then, re-enable each module one by one and check that everything works properly before moving on to the next one."
"Some features can be disabled in order to improve performance." => "Some features can be disabled in order to improve performance."
"CCC allows you to reduce the loading time of your page. With these settings you will gain performance without even touching the code of your theme. Make sure, however, that your theme is compatible with PrestaShop 1.7+. Otherwise, CCC will cause problems." => "CCC allows you to reduce the loading time of your page. With these settings, you will gain performance without even touching the code of your theme. Make sure, however, that your theme is compatible with PrestaShop 1.7+. Otherwise, CCC will cause problems."
"Invalid" => "Invalid"
"Okay" => "Okay"
"Good" => "Good"
"Fabulous" => "Fabulous"
"AdminActions" => array:223 [
"Uninstall" => "Uninstall"
"View" => "View"
"Validate" => "Validate"
"Generate" => "Generate"
"Choose" => "Choose"
"-- Choose --" => "-- Choose --"
"Remove" => "Remove"
"Import" => "Import"
"Back to" => "Back to"
"Disable" => "Disable"
"Translate" => "Translate"
"Search" => "Search"
"Print out" => "Print out"
"Preview" => "Preview"
"Select all" => "Select all"
"Unselect all" => "Unselect all"
"Display" => "Display"
"Reset" => "Reset"
"Save and stay" => "Save and stay"
"and stay" => "and stay"
"Apply" => "Apply"
"See more" => "See more"
"Hide warning" => "Hide warning"
"Add current page to Quick Access" => "Add current page to Quick Access"
"Close" => "Close"
"Choose language:" => "Choose language:"
"Check All" => "Check All"
"Uncheck All" => "Uncheck All"
"Find a category" => "Find a category"
"Collapse all" => "Collapse all"
"Expand all" => "Expand all"
"Check all" => "Check all"
"Uncheck all" => "Uncheck all"
"Finish" => "Finish"
"Delete selected items?" => "Delete selected items?"
"Add new menu" => "Add new menu"
"Show or hide menu." => "Show or hide menu."
"Save" => "Save"
"Configure" => "Configure"
"Refresh" => "Refresh"
"Continue" => "Continue"
"Sort" => "Sort"
"Sort order" => "Sort order"
"Display email address" => "Display email address"
"Export .CSV file" => "Export .CSV file"
"Cancel" => "Cancel"
"Edit" => "Edit"
"Delete" => "Delete"
"Choose a file" => "Choose a file"
"Add new" => "Add new"
"Add" => "Add"
"Search address" => "Search address"
"Search file name" => "Search file name"
"Search file size" => "Search file size"
"Search value" => "Search value"
"Search color" => "Search color"
"Search position" => "Search position"
"Search country" => "Search country"
"Search call prefix" => "Search call prefix"
"Search zones" => "Search zones"
"Search ISO code" => "Search ISO code"
"Search order ID" => "Search order ID"
"Enable selection" => "Enable selection"
"Disable selection" => "Disable selection"
"Search language" => "Search language"
"Search employee" => "Search employee"
"Search email" => "Search email"
"Search code" => "Search code"
"Search date format" => "Search date format"
"Search first name" => "Search first name"
"Search last name" => "Search last name"
"Search post code" => "Search post code"
"Search city" => "Search city"
"Search reference" => "Search reference"
"Search total" => "Search total"
"Search payment" => "Search payment"
"Search company" => "Search company"
"Search ID" => "Search ID"
"Search name" => "Search name"
"Search message" => "Search message"
"Search template" => "Search template"
"Duplicate product" => "Duplicate product"
"Activating %total% products" => "Activating %total% products"
"Activating %done% / %total% products" => "Activating %done% / %total% products"
"Deactivating %total% products" => "Deactivating %total% products"
"Deactivating %done% / %total% products" => "Deactivating %done% / %total% products"
"Duplicating %total% products" => "Duplicating %total% products"
"Duplicating %done% / %total% products" => "Duplicating %done% / %total% products"
"Deleting %total% products" => "Deleting %total% products"
"Deleting %done% / %total% products" => "Deleting %done% / %total% products"
"Stop processing" => "Stop processing"
"%error_count% errors occurred. You can download the logs for future reference." => "%error_count% errors occurred. You can download the logs for future reference."
"Back to processing" => "Back to processing"
"Download error log" => "Download error log"
"View %error_count% error logs" => "View %error_count% error logs"
"Delete from store" => "Delete from store"
"Delete from group" => "Delete from group"
"Enable for group" => "Enable for group"
"Disable for group" => "Disable for group"
"Duplicate group" => "Duplicate group"
"Enable on all stores" => "Enable on all stores"
"Disable on all stores" => "Disable on all stores"
"Duplicate all stores" => "Duplicate all stores"
"Activate selection for current store" => "Activate selection for current store"
"Deactivate selection for current store" => "Deactivate selection for current store"
"Duplicate selection for current store" => "Duplicate selection for current store"
"Delete selection for current store" => "Delete selection for current store"
"Activate selection for group" => "Activate selection for group"
"Deactivate selection for group" => "Deactivate selection for group"
"Duplicate selection for group" => "Duplicate selection for group"
"Delete selection for group" => "Delete selection for group"
"Activate selection for all stores" => "Activate selection for all stores"
"Deactivate selection for all stores" => "Deactivate selection for all stores"
"Duplicate selection for all stores" => "Duplicate selection for all stores"
"Delete selection for all stores" => "Delete selection for all stores"
"Activate selection for associated stores" => "Activate selection for associated stores"
"Deactivate selection for associated stores" => "Deactivate selection for associated stores"
"Duplicate selection for associated stores" => "Duplicate selection for associated stores"
"Delete selection for associated stores" => "Delete selection for associated stores"
"Search description" => "Search description"
"Search key" => "Search key"
"Export to SQL manager" => "Export to SQL manager"
"Search zone" => "Search zone"
"Add new authorized app" => "Add new authorized app"
"Add new API access" => "Add new API access"
"Install" => "Install"
"New product" => "New product"
"Delete selected" => "Delete selected"
"Edit: %s" => "Edit: %s"
"Order by" => "Order by"
"View customer details" => "View customer details"
"View order details" => "View order details"
"Add tag" => "Add tag"
"Delete from all stores" => "Delete from all stores"
"Duplicate for current store" => "Duplicate for current store"
"Replace selection" => "Replace selection"
"Close window" => "Close window"
"Close (esc)" => "Close (esc)"
"Toggle Fullscreen" => "Toggle Fullscreen"
"Zoom in/out" => "Zoom in/out"
"Previous (arrow left)" => "Previous (arrow left)"
"Next (arrow right)" => "Next (arrow right)"
"Download image" => "Download image"
"Zoom on selection" => "Zoom on selection"
"[1]Manage default settings[/1]" => "[1]Manage default settings[/1]"
"Search customer" => "Search customer"
"All carriers" => "All carriers"
"Only selected carriers" => "Only selected carriers"
"Change password..." => "Change password..."
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"See less" => "See less"
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"Deactivate selection" => "Deactivate selection"
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"Collapse" => "Collapse"
"Create" => "Create"
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"Delete this file" => "Delete this file"
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"Read more" => "Read more"
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"Learn more" => "Learn more"
"Back to list" => "Back to list"
"Edit: %name%" => "Edit: %name%"
"Close and refresh" => "Close and refresh"
"Filter by:" => "Filter by:"
"Clear filter|Clear %filtersNb% filters" => "Clear filter|Clear %filtersNb% filters"
"Discard" => "Discard"
"Clear filter|Clear {filtersNb} filters" => "Clear filter|Clear {filtersNb} filters"
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"Select all results (%combinations_number%)" => "Select all results (%combinations_number%)"
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"meta_description" => "Find this shad for trout fishing but also for predators, perch, chevesnes and black bass. Soft lure cheap."
"meta_keywords" => ""
"meta_title" => "Shad for trout fishing, soft lure Sico Lure"
"link_rewrite" => "leurre-souple-sico-lure"
"name" => "Soft lure Sico-lure"
"description" => """
<p>Length: 58 mm</p>\n
<p>3 colors available </p>\n
<p>8 pcs in a package</p>
"description_short" => "<div class="sentence-wrapper sentence-wrapper_target ng-star-inserted" style="margin:0px;padding:0px;font-family:Roboto, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;font-size:16px;line-height:24px;height:432px;white-space:pre-wrap;color:#222c31;background-color:#ffffff;"><span class="ng-star-inserted hovered" style="margin:0px;padding:3px 0px;font-size:inherit;line-height:inherit;background-color:#eff1fb;">Available from 9.90 € (Recommended Selling Price) in your point of sale <br style="margin:0px;padding:0px;" /><br style="margin:0px;padding:0px;" /></span><span class="ng-star-inserted" style="margin:0px;padding:3px 0px;font-size:inherit;line-height:inherit;">Discover THE novelty of soft lures for predators. A soft lure for trout! (perch, hairfish and black bass too)<br style="margin:0px;padding:0px;" /><br style="margin:0px;padding:0px;" /></span><span class="ng-star-inserted" style="margin:0px;padding:3px 0px;font-size:inherit;line-height:inherit;">Mini paddle for micro vibrations! A more natural and realistic swim. Perfectly imitates a fodder fish.<br style="margin:0px;padding:0px;" /><br style="margin:0px;padding:0px;" /></span><span class="ng-star-inserted" style="margin:0px;padding:3px 0px;font-size:inherit;line-height:inherit;">This LS between a shad and a finess is to animate by making it hop on the bottom. It is full of attractant very effective so that the fish keep it longer in the mouth.<br style="margin:0px;padding:0px;" /><br style="margin:0px;padding:0px;" /></span><span class="ng-star-inserted" style="margin:0px;padding:3px 0px;font-size:inherit;line-height:inherit;">The eyes are molded into the decoy, so they do not come off when placing a lead head.<br style="margin:0px;padding:0px;" /><br style="margin:0px;padding:0px;" /></span><span class="ng-star-inserted" style="margin:0px;padding:3px 0px;font-size:inherit;line-height:inherit;">4 beautiful colors are available: a natural, a flashy with UV belly, a Brown and a Fario.</span></div>"
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<p>Length: 58 mm</p>\n
<p>3 colors available </p>\n
<p>8 pcs in a package</p>
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